

前期前半 水曜日 1講時 総合研究棟206教室. 単位数/Credit(s): 1. 担当教員/Instructor: 甲斐 健人, 福田 亘孝, 本多 奈美, 鷲谷 洋輔, その他教員, 神谷 哲司, 前田 駿太, 劉 靖. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: -J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

授業題目/Class subject

エデュフェア・マインド / Edu-fair/fare Mind

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class



In the 1st and 2nd class, professors will discuss the current status and issues related to research ethics, taking into account the relationship between humans and ethics as the basis. These are based on Tohoku University's "Criteria for Study Ethics at Each Career Stage".
From the 3rd to the 8th lesson, professors of each course are in charge. Students will have discussions based on the specified articles.

学習の到達目標/Goal of study


Students will
1)while learning research ethics, learn about the necessary of a "fare and inclusive society" and activities in various research fields that will lead to it, and be able to adopt this perspective..
2)gain the necessary communication skills to talk to researchers in other fields by discussion with students in other courses.
3)get acquainted with students in other fields and areas and prepare a foundation for future joint research.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

第1回:オリエンテーション/「エデュフェア・マインド」と倫理 (鷲谷 洋輔)
第2回:研究と倫理 (甲斐 健人)
第3回:「公正で包摂的な社会」に関するワークショップ (久保 沙織)
第4回:「公正で包摂的な社会」に関するワークショップ (神谷 哲司)
第5回:「公正で包摂的な社会」に関するワークショップ (石井山 竜平)
第6回:「公正で包摂的な社会」に関するワークショップ (前田 駿太)
第7回:「公正で包摂的な社会」に関するワークショップ (劉 靖)
第8回:「公正で包摂的な社会」に関するワークショップ (福田 亘孝)


The 1st: Orientation / Edu-fair/fare Mind and ethics (By Washiya)
The 2nd: Research and ethics (By Kai)
The 3rd : Workshop 1 on "Fair and Inclusive Society" (By Kubo)
The 4th : Workshop 2 on "Fair and Inclusive Society" (By Kamiya)
The 4th : Workshop 3 on "Fair and Inclusive Society" (By Ishiiyama)
The 5th : Workshop 4 on "Fair and Inclusive Society" (By Maeda )
The 6th : Workshop 5 on "Fair and Inclusive Society" (By Liu)
The 8th : Workshop 6 on "Fair and Inclusive Society" (By Fukuda)

*Instructors assigned No. 3-8 lessons might be exchanged according to their situations.

成績評価方法/Evaluation method


Depending on attendance and reports submitted each class.
*Doctoral students need to submit a book review as well.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

    授業時間外学習/Preparation and Review


    Read the specified article in advance.

    その他/In addition


    If a student is unable to attend due to business reasons, Learning through on-demand system may be considered.
    In this case, be sure to inform Washiya in advance. (yosuke.washiya.a84@tohoku.ac.jp)


    ※Google Classroom 上ではPM10020、およびPD000020の科目となる。前後期課程の学生が合同で行う授業であるため、こちらに登録すること。

    ・リアルタイム&オンデマンド(Google Meetを使用)
    ・google classroomから入手すること

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