

前期集中 その他 連講 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: その他教員. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: PES-EDU231J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects

授業題目/Class subject

Supporting the learning to create society

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class


This course aims at providing an overview of the contemporary tasks of lifelong learning(LL), focusing on exclusion through education. LL will be positioned as a concept mediating the derivation of a new educational system to overcome the limits of school-based education system. It will discuss the educational significance of the community development approach in welfare, art, and work. We will find an alternative education system integrating school education with social education. We also discuss the significance and challenges of social education facilities that organize and support such learning.

学習の到達目標/Goal of study


By the end of this course, you will be able to
1.explain the origin and development of LL
2.explain the interrelationship between practice and learning in ex-educational fields related to social rights, and explain the conditions for creative learning in LL practice
3..explain the fundamental tasks of LL and planning, and the challenges of LL facility management and planning

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

(1) 転換期における生涯学習論の課題:新たな学びの生成へ-ユネスコ生涯教育論(1)
(2) 転換期における生涯学習論の課題:社会参加の再考-ユネスコ生涯教育論(2)
(3) 転換期における生涯学習論の課題:生涯学習の形態-福祉・教育・労働
(4) 転換期における生涯学習論の課題:学校基軸型教育システムの意義と限界
(5) 転換期における生涯学習論の課題:学校基軸型教育システム下における社会教育
(6) 社会を創る学び:包摂型教育システムと学習の権利
(7) 社会を創る学び:創造的学習の事例(1)-障害をめぐる葛藤
(8) 社会を創る学び:創造的学習の事例(2)-人間回復の労働
(9) 社会を創る学び:創造的学習の事例(3)-自然・人間・社会の循環
(10) 社会を創る学び:限界線上の学び
(11) 社会教育施設における学習:学習の諸類型
(12) 社会教育施設における学習:アートの学習論的意義
(13) 社会教育施設における学習:Community Storyの編集
(14) 学校における創造的学習の可能性:アートとの関連で
(15) 総括:現代民主主義と創造的学習

Part I discusses the historical background in which the concept of LL emerged.Part 2 conceptualizes "learning to create society," and seeks clues for constructing this concept in practices for social rights. Part 3 presents the possibilities and challenges of structuring social education in the context of community development, and presents practical issues at social education facilities.            (1) Issues in LL theory at the transition point in history: Toward the creation of new learning
(2) Issues in LL theory at the transition point in history: Reconsidering social participation
(3) Issues in LL theory at the transition point in history: Forms of LL:labor/welfare/education (4) Issues in LL theory at the transition point in history: School-based education system
(5) Issues in LL theory at the transition point in history: Social education under the school-based education system
(6) Learning to create society: inclusive education system
(7) Learning to create society: conflict in a support practice of welfare
(8) Learning to create society: work for recoverings human nature
(9) Learning to create society: circulation of Nature, Man, and Society
(10) Learning to create society: learning on the limits of social system
(11) Learning in social education facilities: types of learning
(12) Learning in social education facilities: significance of art in learning theory
(13) Learning in social education facilities: editing Community Stories
(14) Possibilities for creative learning in schools:
(15) Concluding Remarks: Modern Democracy and Creative Learning

成績評価方法/Evaluation method

Your grade will be determined by how well you demonstrate your achievement of the course goals through writing a final report and short essay on the session topic. You will lose eligibility to submit the report in case of absent a lot(over 30%).

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

  • 地域学習の創造, 佐藤一子ほか, 東京大学出版会 (2015)
  • 宮原誠一教育論集, 宮原誠一, 国土社 (1977)
  • 精神の生態学(上・下), グレゴリー・ベイトソン, 岩波文庫 (2023)
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