

前期 金曜日 2講時 総合研究棟206教室. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 福田 亘孝. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: PES-SOC201J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects

授業題目/Class subject

Sociology of Education

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class


Sociology of Education deals with the structure and process of education in society, and its topics include sociological knowledge and theories to understand education, schooling and teaching. This course will explore the relation of education to other agents and institutions such as a peer group, family, regional community, government, and the economy. Student's achievement and opportunities for education are affected by social class, formal and informal curricula, and teacher's roles and teaching processes in schools. Throughout the course, the main focus is to examine the influence of these background characteristics and social relationships within schools on status attainment. Moreover, we will consider current issues such as school funding, race and gender issues, and educational reform.

学習の到達目標/Goal of study


Goals of the course are:
(1) To understand how social markers of difference such as race, class, language, gender, and ethnicity affect or are related to the process of schooling and educational achievment
(2) To understand the influence of social context and social structure on the process of schooling and status attainment
(3) To understand the features of formal and informal relationships within schools and the consequences for student's learning and occupational status caused by these characteristics
(4) To understand how schools promote unequal opportunity and reproduce prevailing patterns of privilege and hierarchy

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

  1  はじめに:社会学から教育を分析する
  2  メリット・クラシーの諸問題
  3  学歴と資格社会
  4  選抜機関としての学校
  5  教育におけるラベリング理論
  6  階級・言語・社会化
  7  人的資本と社会関係資本
  8  文化資本と教育達成
  9  日本の学校の社会学
  10 グローバル化と教育
  11 多文化主義と教育
  12 高等教育の拡大と変容
  13 教育社会学のパラダイム(1):1970年代の展開
  14 教育社会学のパラダイム(2):1990年代の展開
  15 教育社会学のパラダイム(3):2000年代の展開

Week 1: Introduction: Sociological analysis of education
Week 2: Status attainment and social mobility
Week 3: The rise and fall of meritocracy
Week 4: Reproduction of social structure in education systems
Week 5: Labeling and anticipatory socialization in school
Week 6: Social class and language
Week 7: Pathways from education to career
Week 8: Human capital, social capital and cultural capital
Week 9: Sociology of Japanese schools
Week 10: Multi-culturalism and education
Week 11: Globalization and international perspectives on the sociology of education
Week 12: Transformation of higher education: From elite through mass to universal
Week 13: Developments of the Sociology of Education (1) : Until the 1970s
Week 14: Developments of the Sociology of Education (2) : From the 1980s to 1990s
Week 15: Developments of the Sociology of Education (3) : After the 2000s

成績評価方法/Evaluation method


Class participation, attendance, and discussion (20%)
Oral presentation (30%)
Mid-term and final exam (50%)

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

  • 教育と社会変動, カラベル&ハルゼー, 東京大学出版会 (1980)
  • 教育社会学 : 第三のソリューション, ハルゼー, 九州大学出版会 (2005)
  • グローバル化・社会変動と教育, ヒュー・ローダー, 東京大学出版会 (2012)

授業時間外学習/Preparation and Review

★必要に応じてReading AssignmentとWriting Assignmentを課す

★Students read required texts accurately and write a brief summary of the reading before the class.
★Students thoroughly review topics dealt with in the class and acquire knowledge regarding sociology of education.
★Each student prepares a research paper on a topic of interest in the sociology of education and have to submit it by the end of the term.

その他/In addition


★Students should complete required assignments before they attend the class.
★Students should attend the class with good manners.
★The schedule of the class is a map, not a fixed train timetable, and it may be changed. Also, the grading method is subject to change.


【Office Hour】
Thursdays 14:00-14:30
Prior booking is required.

クラスコード fz47xuh6

Google Classroom Class Code

関連資料の入手方法はgoogle classroomにおいて指示する。

This course is provided in a hybrid mode. Students mainly participate in a class online through Zoom or Google Meet. It may be conducted in person. All necessary information on joining this course online will be posted by email or on Google Classroom before the class.

 これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認