

前期 火曜日 3講時 総合研究棟203演習室. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 劉 靖. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: PES-EDU335E. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 英語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects

授業題目/Class subject

Education and Social Changes in East Asia: Understanding educational development in Taiwan

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

With a rapid economic development in the 1980s and 1990s, Taiwan has become one of the leading economies in the world. However, in the recent years, there is an emerging concern on well-being, quality of life, and resilience of the Taiwan's society. The primary objective of this course is to deepen students' understanding of Taiwan and the role of education in Taiwan's development through fieldwork in Taiwan.
The course includes four parts. It starts with the introduction of education and social changes in East Asia. Also, it gives specific focus on education and social changes in Taiwan. In the 2nd part, it provides knowledge and skills of fieldwork, such as research proposal writing, interview methods, and research ethics. Group fieldwork will be conducted in Taiwan. In the last part, participants are required to submit a short group report of the fieldwork.
  The fieldwork will include visits to schools, universities, communities, and intercultural activities.
Japanese students taking this course will have opportunity to apply JASSO Short-term Overseas Study Scholarship. More details will be explained in the course orientation.

学習の到達目標/Goal of study

Goals of study are to enable students to: (1) have a more comprehensive and more in-depth understanding of education and social changes in the context of East Asia and beyond, (2) obtain knowledge and skills of critically analyzing educational issues, (3) acquire fieldwork skills through group work in a foreign context, and (4) improve their communication skills through group work and foreign languages.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

In principle the class will conducted on-site. In case there is a shift to online class, announcement will be made in advance.

Week 1 Introduction
-Education and social changes for a sustainable future
-Why fieldwork?

Week 2 Education and Social Changes in Taiwan
-Achievements & Issues

Week 3 Education and Social Changes in Taiwan (1)
-Inequality in education
-Imbalance in education
-Exclusion in education

Week 4 Education and Social Changes in Taiwan (2)
-Alternative approaches for equality, equity and quality
    -New trends

Week 5 Education and Social Changes in Taiwan (3)
-Private Tutoring in Taiwan

Week 6 Education and Social Changes in Taiwan (4)
-Internationalization of higher education

Week 7 Fieldwork 1
-Research proposal

Week 8 Interim Presentation

Week 9 Fieldwork 2

Week 10 Fieldwork 3
-Interview: Rehearsal

Week 11 Fieldwork 4
-About Taiwan

Week 12 Group Presentation of Research Proposal

Week 13-15 Fieldwork (Fieldwork will be conducted in Taiwan in Auguest or September 2024)

成績評価方法/Evaluation method

Class participation and engagement(20%)
Group discussion and group fieldwork (50%)
Final group report (30%) 

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

    授業時間外学習/Preparation and Review

    Active engagement in group work for class and fieldwork is highly recommended.

    その他/In addition

    1. Active engagement in group work is highly recommended in this course.
    2. Details of fieldwork trip for Beijing, schedule, and cost will be discussed and announced in the class. There is a selection if the number of participants is beyond the limitation of the course design.
    3. English is the primary instruction language of this course. Although students are encouraged to speak in English, it is possible to join the discussion and class by speaking in Japanese if necessary. Also, Japanese reading materials and explanation will be provided in the class to encourage students' active participation.
    4. Office hour: Tuesday 5th period

    (Googleクラスルーム対応)Regarding Google Classroom
    ①クラスコード Class Code: oazgddp

    ②第一回授業の開始時期 Schedule of 1st session
    ・第一回目の授業4月9日(火)13:00~から April 9 (Tue) 13:00-

    ③授業の実施方法 How to implement this class

    Students who plan to take this class, please contact Prof. Jing Liu through jing.liu.e8@tohoku.ac.jp by April 8 (Mon).

    ④関連資料の入手方法 How to get teaching materials and reading assignment
    ・授業の資料については、授業開始前までにGoogle Classroomの共有ドライブにアップロード予定(受講希望者を招待する)。Teaching materials and reading assignment will be uploaded to Google Classroom.

     これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認