
公衆衛生倫理概論 公衆衛生倫理概論(Public Health Ethics)

開講曜日・時期・時間は履修者と担当教員が合議の上決定する (to be determined after consulting with students). 単位数/Credit(s): 1. 授業代表教員/Director: 浅井 篤, 圓増 文, 及川 正範. 開講期間/Term of Classes: 4月8日以降 一年次 (After April 8th, during the first year). 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: -J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.



授業題目/Class subject

公衆衛生倫理概論(Public Health Ethics)


及川正範  圓増文  浅井篤 Masanori Oikawa, Aya Enzo, Atsushi Asai


医療倫理学分野セミナー室(医学部五号館10階) Seminar room, Department of Medical Ethics, Building 5

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

公衆衛生領域の主要倫理課題を考察する。This course examines major ethical issues in public ethics as well as national healthcare system

学修の到達目標/Goal of study


Upon successful completion of this course it is expected that master students will be able to:
Students who complete this course are expected to accomplish the following objectives:
1) to identify ethical issues in the field of public health and healthcare system
2) to be able to propose countermeasures to address social problems related to individual rights, human rights, and public interest;
3)to be able to provide similar educational programs with both beginner-students and healthcare professionals in clinical settings as a qualified teacher.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

第1回 Introduction to public health ethics 公衆衛生倫理総論

第2回 Infectious disease 1 感染症 1

第3回 Infectious disease 2 感染症 2

第4回 Vaccination/Immunization Ethics ワクチン・予防接種の倫理

第5回 Health care rationing 医療資源配分

第6回 Health Promotion  健康増進

第7回 Health inequities 健康格差

第8回 Population screening 人口スクリーニング

1 Introduction to public health ethics

2 Infectious disease 1

3 Infectious disease 2 

4 Vaccination/Immunization Ethics 

5 Health care rationing

6 Health Promotion

7 Health inequities

8 Population screening

成績評価方法/Evaluation method

出席率とレポート The attendance rate and quality of hand-in essays (reports)

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

  • Public Health Ethics, Stephen Holland, Polity Press (2015) 資料種別:text

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

指定文献の事前精読と事後の復習 Students are expected to read syllabus and recommend (required) readings before classes and review distributed handouts and notes taken during the class.

その他・備考/In Addition・Notes

初回授業時に提示するメールアドレスへ必要時に連絡する。Students may contact instructors in charge by phone or e-mail presented in the first session.

 これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認