
公衆衛生看護学原論 Public Health Nursing Principles 公衆衛生看護の原理、原則、活動理念 Principles and action philosophy of public health nursing

毎週金曜日 13:00~14:30 Every Friday 13:00~14:30. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 授業代表教員/Director: 大森 純子, 岩本 萌, 中野 久美子, 原 ゆかり, 松永 篤志. 開講期間/Term of Classes: 2024年4月12日(金)~7月26日(金) 4/12/2024-7/26/2024. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: -J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.



授業題目/Class subject

Public Health Nursing Principles

Principles and action philosophy of public health nursing


Prof. Junko Omori, Assist. Prof. Atsushi Matsunaga, Kumiko Nakano, Yukari Hara, Megumu Iwamoto



Health Science Building 3F, A 301。However, on June 21, it will be held in a small conference room (1st floor of Building A, Department of Health Sciences).

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class


To understand the principles, targets, and features of activities that form the basis of public health nursing, as well as the purpose and significance of community health activities.

学修の到達目標/Goal of study


1) To understand the major concepts and principles underlying public health nursing.
2) To understand the characteristics of the targets and activities of public health nursing.
3) To understand the purpose and significance of public health activities in the community.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

第1回 オリエンテーション,打ち合わせ
第2回 第1章 公衆衛生看護とは(1)
第3回 第1章 公衆衛生看護とは(2)
第4回 第2章 公衆衛生看護の対象(1)
第5回 第2章 公衆衛生看護の対象(2)
第6回 第3章 公衆衛生看護の倫理(1)
第7回 第3章 公衆衛生看護の倫理(2)
第8回 第4章 公衆衛生看護の歴史(1)
第9回 第4章 公衆衛生看護の歴史(2)
第10回 第5章 公衆衛生看護の質保証(1)
第11回 第5章 公衆衛生看護の質保証(2)
第12回 第6章 海外における公衆衛生看護活動(1)
第13回 第6章 海外における公衆衛生看護活動(2)
第14回 事例検討:せんだい災害VR(予定)
第15回 まとめ

Session 1 Orientation, Meeting
Session 2 Chapter 1: What is Public Health Nursing? (1)
Session 3 Chapter 1: What is Public Health Nursing? (2)
Session 4 Chapter 2: Subjects of Public Health Nursing (1)
Session 5 Chapter 3: Subjects of Public Health Nursing (2)
Session 6 Chapter 3: Ethics in Public Health Nursing (1)
Session 7 Chapter 3: Ethics in Public Health Nursing (2)
Session 8 Chapter 4: History of Public Health Nursing (1)
Session 9 Chapter 4: History of Public Health Nursing (2)
Session 10 Chapter 5: Quality Assurance for Public Health Nursing (1)
Session 11 Chapter 5: Quality Assurance for Public Health Nursing (2)
Session 12 Chapter 6: Public Health Nursing Activities Overseas (1)
Session 13 Chapter 6: Public Health Nursing Activities Overseas (2)
Session 14 Case study: Sendai disaster prevention VR
Session 15 Summarizing

成績評価方法/Evaluation method

Comprehensively evaluate attendance, attitude, presentations, and participation in discussions.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

  • 公衆衛生看護学原論 第2版/Principles of Public Health Nursing, 2nd ed., 麻原きよみ、佐伯和子、岡本玲子、荒木田美香子/Kiyomi Asahara, Kazuko Saeki, Reiko Okamoto, Mikako Arakida, 医歯薬出版/Ishiyaku Pub (2022) ISBN/ISSN: 9784263238042 資料種別:教科書

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review


・Prepare for and review the material.
・Prepare for the presentation.
・After lectures and group work, read related literature to deepen your understanding.

その他・備考/In Addition・Notes

Before registering, e-mail to the contact information above.

松野あやえ (Ayae Matusno)
東北大学大学院医学系研究科公衆衛生看護学分野 学術研究員 (Researcher, Department of Pubic Health Nursing, Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University)

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