
分子イメージング診断治療講義 Molecular imaging theranostics lectures

金曜日 4講 Friday 14:30~16:10. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 授業代表教員/Director: 高瀬 圭. 開講期間/Term of Classes: 後期 2nd semester. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: -J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.



授業題目/Class subject

Molecular imaging theranostics lectures


Prof. Kei TAKASE, Prof. Tatsuya HIGASHI, Prof. Manabu TASHIRO, et al.


オンライン講義(Zoomで実施します。詳細はGoogle Classroomで確認して下さい)
Live on-line lectures using Zoom, whose detailed information is available in Google Classroom

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

・分子イメージング(Molecular imaging)とは、生物が生きた状態のままで外部から生体内の遺伝子やタンパク質などの様々な分子の挙動を観察する技術で、医学、薬学、工学の新しい境界・複合領域である。また、α線放出核種やβ線放出核種は癌細胞の破壊効果が強いことが知られている。「分子イメージング診断治療」とは、γ線放出核種で標識されたPET診断薬を用いて病巣を可視化するとともに、治療薬が治療対象となる腫瘍細胞に集積することを確認してから、治療薬をα線放出核種やβ線放出核種で標識しなおして投与する、いわば「診断一体型の治療(thera-nostics)」である。

*Molecular imaging is a technique for observing the behavior of various molecules such as genes and proteins in a living body. This is a new boundary/complex area of medicine, pharmaceutical science, and engineering. It is known that alpha emitters and beta emitters have a strong therapeutic effect on cancer cells. "Molecular imaging theranostics" is a combination of diagnosis and treatment.
*That is, after confirming that drugs labeled with a γ-ray emitting radionuclide accumulate in the target tumor, the therapeutic drugs relabeled with an α-ray emitting or a β-ray emitting radionuclide are administrated for cancer treatment.
*In this lecture series, students will learn about the principle and clinical application of theranostics using radioisotope.
*In this class, students can learn from researchers of National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST).

学修の到達目標/Goal of study


*To learn about the molecular imaging from various standpoints such as engineering (including device development and data analysis), pharmaceutical sciences (including drug development and kinetic analysis) and biomedical sciences (including development of new diagnostic methods and protocols).
*To learn to become able to discover new findings and to develop new molecules and drugs and develop new devices, techniques and theories for achieving further advancement of molecular imaging field.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

01) 高瀬圭・田代学: コースの説明とイントロダクション/放射線治療概論
02) 高浪健太郎: がんの臨床核医学診断
03) 金田朋洋: 腫瘍PETにおける薬剤開発とセラノスティクス
04) 神宮啓一: 放射線治療の臨床
05) 吉井幸恵: Cu同位体を用いた診断一体型治療の治験
06) 辻厚至: 分子イメージングと分子標的薬個別化医療(仮題)
07) 東達也: α放出核種を用いた診断一体型治療
08) 外山由貴: がんの核医学治療の実際
09) 寺川貴樹: 陽子線治療とBNCTの基礎研究
10) 船木善仁: RIを用いたがん治療戦略(セラノスティックス概論)
11) 永津弘太郎: α放出核種を用いた診断一体型治療を支える基礎技術1
12) 菊永英寿: 原子核反応とRI製造
13) 白崎謙次: α放出核種を用いた診断一体型治療を支える基礎技術2
14) 渡部浩司(高瀬・田代): 分子イメージング診断治療における被ばく線量評価・まとめ
15) 渡部浩司: セラノスティックスの将来展望

The following is the list of speakers and topics (*The schedule might be changed sometimes.)
01) Kei TAKASE & Manabu TASHIRO: Introduction and overview on therapeutics in radiology
02) Kentaro TAKANAMI: Diagnosis in clinical nuclear oncology
03) Tomohiro KANETA: Drug development and clinical application for theranostics in oncology
04) Keiichi JINGU: Clinical aspects of radiation therapy
05) Yukie YOSHII: Theranostics approach using radioisotopes of copper (Cu)
06) Atsushi Tsuji: Molecular imaging and theranostics
07) Tatsuya HIGASHI: Theranostics approach using alpha- and beta- emitters
08) Yoshitaka TOYAMA: Treatment in clinical nuclear medicine
09) Atsuki TERAKAWA: Basics information of particle therapy and boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT)
10) Yoshihito FUNAKI: Introduction for "theranostics" using radioisotopes
11) Kotaro NAGATSU: Development and production of radionuclides for theranostics 1
12) Hidetoshi KIKUNAGA: Nuclear reactions and radioisotope production
13) Kenji SHIRASAKI: Development and production of radionuclides for theranostics 2
14) Hiroshi WATABE: Dosimetry in radionuclide theranostics
15) Hiroshi WATABE, et al.: Future prospects on theranostics approach / Summarization

成績評価方法/Evaluation method


*Students should participate in the live on-line lectures at least 10 times for credits (For students who have a full-time job, this rule might be changed. Please consult professors in charge.)
*Students are encouraged to continue to participate in the "Training" following the lectures.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

    授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

    *Not particular

    その他・備考/In Addition・Notes

    *Not particular

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