
TR特論Ⅳ Translational Research 4

毎週水曜日 18:00~19:30 若干の時間の延長あり Every Wednesday 18:00:19:30 with some extension of time. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 授業代表教員/Director: 山口 拓洋. 開講期間/Term of Classes: 令和6年10月2日(水)~令和7年1月22日(水) Oct. 2 – Jan. 22. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: -J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.



授業題目/Class subject

Translational Research 4


教授 山口拓洋、非常勤講師 髙橋史朗、他 医学統計学分野/臨床試験データセンター教員
Prof. YAMAGUCHI, Takuhiro, Visiting Prof. TAKAHASHI, Fumiaki, other faculty members in Biostatistics


GoogleClassroomクラスコード: fnunmtd
In principle, classes will be held face-to-face.
Please check GoogleClassroom for detailed dates, times, and classrooms.
GoogleClassroom class code:  fnunmtd

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

To learn analysis of data in clinical and epidemiological research and how to use statistical analysis software JMP.

学修の到達目標/Goal of study

To understand basic concept of medical data analysis and how to use JMP.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

※ https://www.tains.tohoku.ac.jp/contents/wireless/eduroam.html

This class will be taught using a laptop computer brought by each student (see GoogleClassroom for recommended standards). Students are required to set up a connection to the campus wireless LAN (Eduroam)* in advance.
 *Eduroam https://www.tains.tohoku.ac.jp/contents/wireless/eduroam.html

Each class consists of lectures and exercises.
第1回(10/02) JMP入門 Introduction to JMP
第2回(10/09) 実験計画法と分散分析(1) Design and analysis of experiments
第3回(10/16) 実験計画法と分散分析(2) Analysis of variance
第4回(10/23) 回帰分析、一般線型モデル General linear model
第5回(10/30) カテゴリカルデータ解析(1) Categorical data analysis (1)
第6回(11/06) カテゴリカルデータ解析(2) Categorical data analysis (2)
第7回(11/13) カテゴリカルデータ解析(3) Categorical data analysis (3)
第8回(11/20) 生存時間データ解析(1) Survival data analysis (1)
第9回(11/27) 生存時間データ解析(2) Survival data analysis (2)
第10回(12/04) 生存時間データ解析(3) Survival data analysis (3)
第11回(12/11) 多変量解析(1) Multivariate analysis (1)
第12回(12/18) 多変量解析(2) Multivariate analysis (2)
第13回(01/08) 交絡の調整解析 (1) Adjusting for Confounding in the Analysis (1)
第14回(01/15) 交絡の調整解析 (2) Adjusting for Confounding in the Analysis (2)
第15回(01/22) 相関のあるデータの解析 Analysis of correlated data

成績評価方法/Evaluation method

Attendance 30% (including submission of in-class assignments) and Report submission (30% for each class, 40% after all classes).

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

    授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

    Based on the content of the lesson, it is desirable that you learn JMP by yourself.

    その他・備考/In Addition・Notes

    Text and reference: References are handed out at every class. The schedule may be changed.
    Please note that lectures may be held online instead of face-to-face depending on the situation.
    Be sure to check how to make and submit a report on Groupware.

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