
東洋・日本美術史特論Ⅲ / History of Oriental and Japanese Fine Arts(Advanced Lecture)III

通年集中 その他 その他. 単位数: 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 講師(非). 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: LIH-ART603J. 使用言語: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects




Course Title (授業題目)

The History of Nara’s Buddhist Ppainting



Course Objectives and Course Synopsis(授業の目的と概要)

Nara, a center of Buddhist culture from ancient times and through the medieval period, has produced and passed down countless masterworks of Buddhist painting in each generation. In light of this importance, the course focuses on the region to explore the development of Buddhist paintings ranging from the [seventh through the sixteenth?] centuries, engaging such problems as painting technique and iconography, painting ateliers, and the enshrinement of paintings in the sacred spaces of rituals.



Learning Goals(学習の到達目標)

Developing a grasp of such the central themes of art historical res"Developing a grasp of such the central themes of art historical research into Japanese Buddhist painting as:, including:
1. The inheritance and transmission of Buddhist painting techniques; Painting techniques?Traditions and transformations;2. The reception and evolution of iconography; 3. The construction of ateliers of Buddhist master painters; and 4. The functions of ritual space.





2.奈良時代の儀礼と仏画 ①

3.奈良時代の儀礼と仏画 ②

4. 南都の平安仏画と宋代図像

5. 南都仏画と天平復古①

6. 南都仏画と天平復古②



9.中世南都の教学復興と美術 ③

10. 春日曼荼羅の成立と展開①

11. 春日曼荼羅の成立と展開②
奈良・春日大社への信仰にもとづく礼拝画像である春日宮曼荼羅が、平安時代末期に成立した契機と、南都の絵仏師によって多様に描かれた背景を明らかにする。11. The

12. 春日曼荼羅の成立と展開③

13. 南都の寺院縁起としての信貴山縁起絵巻①

14. 南都の寺院縁起としての信貴山縁起絵巻②


Class Schedule and Activities(授業内容・方法と進度予定

Distribute lecture resumes and explain representative works, historical backgrounds, etc. Relevant works will be presented by a projector.

0. Introduction and Orientation
Nara’s Buddhist painting is contextualized within the broader fields of ancient and medieval Japanese painting.

1. The Colorful Techniques of Tenpyō Painting
Nara-period painting can be regarded as the fount of Japanese Buddhist painting. We consider Nara-period painting techniques and characteristics through representative works like the murals of the Golden Hall (Kondō) at Hōryūji Temple, the Tang-style sacred portrait of Shōtoku Taishi, the Illustrated Sutra of Cause and Effect, and such Shōsō-in treasures as the folding screens of beauties adorned with feathers or the renowned incense stand paintings.

2. Nara-Period Rituals and Buddhist Painting ①
How were the Buddhist paintings enshrined in ritual spaces worshipped during the Nara period? We will take up issues related to icon reverence through a focus on the Hokkedō konpon mandara.

3. Nara-Period Rituals and Buddhist Painting ②
How were the Buddhist paintings enshrined in ritual spaces worshipped during the Nara period? We will take up issues related to icon reverence through a focus on the Kisshōten icon at Yakushiji.

4. Heian-Period Buddhist Painting in Nara and Song-Dynasty Iconography
Through consideration of the “Nirvana of Śākyamuni Buddha” from Darumaji, we will identify influences of Song-dynasty iconography in Buddhist paintings representative of Nara during the period of cloistered rule (insei).

5. The Revival of the Tenpyō-Period Style in Nara’s Buddhist Painting ①
Through analysis of the Iconographic Drawings for the Door Paintings at the Kaidanin of Tōdaiji, the hakubyō paintings copying Tenpyō-period models, copies of paintings, along with the Kusha Mandara at Tōdaiji, we consider the iconographies of Nara-period Buddhist painting that were revived in the latter part of the Heian period.

6. The Revival of the Tenpyō-Period Style in Nara’s Buddhist Painting ②
Through analysis of the Iconographic Drawings for the Door Paintings at the Kaidanin of Tōdaiji, the hakubyō paintings copying Tenpyō-period models, copies of paintings, along with the Kusha Mandara at Tōdaiji, we consider the iconographies of Nara-period Buddhist painting that were revived in the latter part of the Heian period.

7. The Revival of Scholasticism and Art in Medieval Nanto ①
This lecture will focus on Gedatsu Jōkei, the important monk at the center of the revival of scholasticism in Nara at the start of the Kamakura period and integral to the reconstruction of Nara’s temples. Through the works of Buddhist painting borne of his conceptions, we shed light on the characteristics of Buddhist painting emanating from medieval Nara.

8. The Revival of Scholasticism and Art in Medieval Nanto ②
This lecture will focus on Gedatsu Jōkei, the important monk at the center of the revival of scholasticism in Nara at the start of the Kamakura period and integral to the reconstruction of Nara’s temples. Through the works of Buddhist painting borne of his conceptions, we shed light on the characteristics of Buddhist painting emanating from medieval Nara.

9. The Revival of Scholasticism and Art in Medieval Nanto ③
This lecture will focus on Myōe, the priest based at the Kyoto temple of Kōsanji, who was central to the revival of a tradition at the heart of Nara Buddhism, Kegon scholasticism, at the start of the Kamakura period. Through the works of Buddhist painting borne of his conceptions, we shed light on the characteristics of Buddhist painting emanating from Kōsanji.

10. The Beginnings of Kasuga Shrine Mandalas and their Evolutions ①
Grounded in Kasuga faith, Kasuga Shrine Mandalas offer views of the sacred precincts of Kasuga Shrine in Nara. They emerged late in the Heian period. We will elucidate the context from which these paintings emerged by looking at the many kinds of example of these paintings produced by Buddhist painters of Nara.

11. The Beginnings of Kasuga Shrine Mandalas and their Evolutions ②
Grounded in Kasuga faith, Kasuga Shrine Mandalas offer views of the sacred precincts of Kasuga Shrine in Nara. They emerged late in the Heian period. We will elucidate the context from which these paintings emerged by looking at the many kinds of example of these paintings produced by Buddhist painters of Nara.

12. The Beginnings of Kasuga Shrine Mandalas and their Evolutions ③
Grounded in Kasuga faith, Kasuga Shrine Mandalas offer views of the sacred precincts of Kasuga Shrine in Nara. They emerged late in the Heian period. We will elucidate the context from which these paintings emerged by looking at the many kinds of example of these paintings produced by Buddhist painters of Nara.

13. The Illustrated Miracles of Shigisan and Nara’s Temple Legends ①
The Illustrated Miracles of Shigisan, which conveys the miraculous efficacies of the principal deity enshrined at Nara’s Shigisan, is one of the greatest masterworks of picture scrolls. In addition to establishing it as the oldest example of a scroll of illustrated legends in Japan, we illuminate that the retired emperor Go-Shirakawa was integral to its production.

14. The Illustrated Miracles of Shigisan and Nara’s Temple Legends ②
The Illustrated Miracles of Shigisan, which conveys the miraculous efficacies of the principal deity enshrined at Nara’s Shigisan, is one of the greatest masterworks of picture scrolls. In addition to establishing it as the oldest example of a scroll of illustrated legends in Japan, we illuminate that the retired emperor Go-Shirakawa was integral to its production.

15. The Illustrated Legends of Xuanzang and Nara’s Lineages of Master Painters
Through analysis of the Illustrated Legends of Xuanzang, which depicts the pilgrim monk Xuanzang journeying to India in search of the Buddhist dharma, and the “Map of the0. Introduction and Orientation
Nara’s Buddhist painting is contextualized within the broader fields of ancient and medieval Japanese painting.



Grading Plan(成績評価方法)

Report: 70%
Class participation status and small assignments: 30%


『日本美術全集③ 東大寺・正倉院と興福寺(奈良時代Ⅱ)』(小学館、2013年)。
『日本美術全集⑤ 王朝絵巻と貴族のいとなみ(平安時代Ⅱ)』(小学館、2014年)。
『日本美術全集⑧ 中世絵巻と肖像画(鎌倉・南北朝時代Ⅱ)』(小学館、2015年)。



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