
日本思想史特論Ⅰ / History of Japanese Thought(Advanced Lecture)I

前期 火曜日 4講時. 単位数: 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 引野 亨輔. セメスター: 1学期. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: LJS-PHI601J. 使用言語: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects




Course Title (授業題目)

History of Thought Regarding Schools



Course Objectives and Course Synopsis(授業の目的と概要)

For modern people, learning at school has become a completely normal activity. However, having one teacher stand at the podium and give lectures to a large number of students is only an educational style that became common in Japan during the Meiji period. Additionally, exams held at the end of each semester to measure each student's level of achievement were by no means common in pre-modern Japanese society. In this course, students will be asked to carefully read papers on the social history of education and deeply consider the meaning of the learning at school.



Learning Goals(学習の到達目標)

The goal of this course is to correctly understand the historical changes that have occurred in schools, and to be able to evaluate their significance from multiple perspectives.


第1回 ガイダンス―「学校」を思想史的に考える―
第2回 学校と卓越化の欲望(近世編)―前田勉『江戸の読書会』を読む①―
第3回 学校と画一性・多様性(近世編)―前田勉『江戸の読書会』を読む②―
第4回 学校と卓越化の欲望(近代編)―竹内洋『立志・苦学・出世』を読む①―
第5回 学校と画一性・多様性(近代編)―竹内洋『立志・苦学・出世』を読む②―
第6回 学校と知識人(近世編)―渡辺浩『東アジアの王権と思想』を読む―
第7回 学校と知識人(近代編)―苅部直『移りゆく「教養」』を読む―
第8回 学校のなかの道具(近世編①)―青木美智男『日本文化の原型』を読む―
第9回 学校のなかの道具(近世編②)―鈴木俊幸『江戸の読書熱』を読む―
第10回 学校のなかの道具(近代編①)―佐藤秀夫『ノートや鉛筆が学校を変えた』を読む①―
第11回 学校のなかの道具(近代編②)―佐藤秀夫『ノートや鉛筆が学校を変えた』を読む②―
第12回 学校のなかの道具(近代編③)―佐藤卓己『テレビ的教養』を読む―
第13回 学校のなかの自主と規律(近世編)―辻本雅史『「学び」の復権』を読む①―
第14回 学校のなかの自主と規律(近代編)―辻本雅史『「学び」の復権』を読む②―
第15回 まとめ

Class Schedule and Activities(授業内容・方法と進度予定

1, Introduction―Thinking about Schools from an Intellectual Historical Perspective
2, Schools and the Desire for Excellence (in Early Modern Case)
3, Schools and uniformity/diversity (in Early Modern Case)
4, Schools and the Desire for Excellence (in Modern Case)
5, Schools and uniformity/diversity (in Modern Case)
6, Schools and Intellectuals(in Early Modern Case)
7, Schools and Intellectuals(in Modern Case)
8, Tools in Schools (in Early Modern Case①)
9, Tools in Schools (in Early Modern Case②)
10, Tools in Schools (in Modern Case①)
11, Tools in Schools (in Modern Case②)
12, Tools in Schools (in Modern Case③)
13, Independence and Discipline in schools (in Early Modern Case)
14, Independence and Discipline in schools (in Modern Case)
15, summary



Grading Plan(成績評価方法)

This course will be evaluated based on 30% class participation, 30% submitting minute papers, and 40% final report.





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