
人文社会科学総合 / Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences

前期 金曜日 3講時. 単位数: 2. 担当教員/Instructor: KOPYLOVA OLGA. セメスター: 5. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: LHM-OHU311J. 使用言語: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects




Course Title (授業題目)

Readings on Popular Culture, Transmedia, and Fandom



Henry Jenkins. Convergence Culture. New York: NYU Press, 2006. // ヘンリー・ジェンキンズ (著), 渡部宏樹 (翻訳), 北村紗衣 (翻訳), 阿部康人 (翻訳)『コンヴァージェンス・カルチャー: ファンとメディアがつくる参加型文化』, 晶文社, 2021.
Marc Steinberg. Anime’s Media Mix: Franchising Toys and Characters in Japan. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2012. // マーク・スタインバーグ (著), 大塚 英志 (監修), 中川 譲 (翻訳)『なぜ日本は〈メディアミックスする国〉なのか』, 角川学芸出版, 2015.

Course Objectives and Course Synopsis(授業の目的と概要)

This course aims to help the students develop their language skills and acquire a better understanding of contemporary popular culture through comparative reading of English texts and their Japanese translations. The reading list consists of general audience publications by English-speaking literary and media scholars; these seminal books introduce trends in the global popular culture, including changing consumption patterns of the audiences as well as strategies and policies adopted by various media and entertainment industries. They also offer some fascinating case studies of transmedia adaptations (ubiquitous in Japan and overseas). Comparative reading will allow students to expand their vocabulary, get acquainted with common translation techniques and patterns, and get used to reading Anglophone publications. For English-speaking students, it is an opportunity to improve their skills in reading and translating Japanese texts.

Reading list:
Henry Jenkins. Convergence Culture. New York: NYU Press, 2006. // ヘンリー・ジェンキンズ (著), 渡部宏樹 (翻訳), 北村紗衣 (翻訳), 阿部康人 (翻訳)『コンヴァージェンス・カルチャー: ファンとメディアがつくる参加型文化』, 晶文社, 2021.
Marc Steinberg. Anime’s Media Mix: Franchising Toys and Characters in Japan. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2012. // マーク・スタインバーグ (著), 大塚 英志 (監修), 中川 譲 (翻訳)『なぜ日本は〈メディアミックスする国〉なのか』, 角川学芸出版, 2015.


1) 英語能力をを向上させ、研究者による一般向け書籍を読む習慣を身につける。
2) 一般読者向けの書籍における英日翻訳の方法を覚えており、英文ライティングにおいて活用できる文法及び表現を習得する。

3) 世界中の大衆文化における傾向、また消費者と生産者の関係などを理解しており、コンテンツ市場の発展を把握できる。
4) コンテンツのメディア横断的展開を背景としたポピュラー作品の制作過程を常に視野に入れており、より包括な分析を行うことができる。

Learning Goals(学習の到達目標)

By the end of the course, students should be able to recognize major trends in transmedia content development both in Japan and globally. Students will also learn about fandom activities and relationship between fans (otaku) and media franchises in the early 21st century.

Students are expected to:
1) develop the vocabulary and reading skills necessary to engage with specialized literature on popular culture;
2) acquire basic translation and paraphrasing skills;
3) get used to reading long texts in English (for Japanese students) and Japanese (for English-speaking students).


1. Introductory class
2. Translation basics 1
3. Translation basics 2
4. Translation basics 3
5. Reading and discussion (Convergence Culture, Introduction 1)
6. Reading and translation (Convergence Culture, Introduction 2)
7. Reading and discussion (Convergence Culture, Chapter 1.1)
8. Reading and translation (Convergence Culture, Chapter 1.2)
9. Reading and discussion (Convergence Culture, Chapter 3.1)
10. Reading and translation (Convergence Culture, Chapter 3.2)
11. Reading and discussion (Convergence Culture, Chapter 4.1)
12. Reading and translation (Convergence Culture, Chapter 4.2)
13. Reading and discussion (『なぜ日本は〈メディアミックスする国〉なのか』. Introduction 1)
14. Reading and translation (『なぜ日本は〈メディアミックスする国〉なのか』. Introduction 2)
15. Reading and discussion (『なぜ日本は〈メディアミックスする国〉なのか』, Chapter 5)

(the lecture content may be subject to change)

Class Schedule and Activities(授業内容・方法と進度予定

1. Introductory class
2. Translation basics 1
3. Translation basics 2
4. Translation basics 3
5. Reading and discussion (Convergence Culture, Introduction 1)
6. Reading and translation (Convergence Culture, Introduction 2)
7. Reading and discussion (Convergence Culture, Chapter 1.1)
8. Reading and translation (Convergence Culture, Chapter 1.2)
9. Reading and discussion (Convergence Culture, Chapter 3.1)
10. Reading and translation (Convergence Culture, Chapter 3.2)
11. Reading and discussion (Convergence Culture, Chapter 4.1)
12. Reading and translation (Convergence Culture, Chapter 4.2)
13. Reading and discussion (『なぜ日本は〈メディアミックスする国〉なのか』. Introduction 1)
14. Reading and translation (『なぜ日本は〈メディアミックスする国〉なのか』. Introduction 2)
15. Reading and discussion (『なぜ日本は〈メディアミックスする国〉なのか』, Chapter 5)

(the lecture content may be subject to change)



Grading Plan(成績評価方法)

Attendance – 30%, reading & writing assignments – 70%


No textbook will be required as readings will be provided by the instructor.


The course will be conducted mostly in Japanese, however assignments will demand reading and writing in both Japanese and English. Relative proficiency in both languages is therefore necessary.
It is essential that you complete the assignment beforehand (work in class will be based on your assignments). Attending class is also strictly required.
If you have to be absent from class, you must notify the lecturer in advance.

If you have any questions regarding the course, feel free to contact me via the following email:
You can also find me in my office (827) on Mon.~Wed. 8:30–17.30, Fri. 15:00–17.30


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