
日本語・日本文化論各論Ⅰ / Studies of Japanese Culture(Special Lecture)I

前期 木曜日 4講時. 単位数: 2. 担当教員/Instructor: KOPYLOVA OLGA. セメスター: 5. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: LHM-OHU308E. 使用言語: 英語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects




Course Title (授業題目)

Studies of Japanese Popular Culture (Special Lecture)I



Course Objectives and Course Synopsis(授業の目的と概要)

This course focuses on the history of popular culture in modern and contemporary Japan (from Edo to the early 2000s): its main media forms, genres, and practices. It aims to describe multiple phenomena that have shaped cultural production and consumption patterns in Japan, as well as various media and artifacts now known worldwide. Beyond the main topic of the course, described above, students will get a better grasp of popular culture in general and understand the main factors and powers involved of its development. The assignments introducing various samples of academic writing on the Japanese popular culture will allow students to discover new lines of inquiry potentially applicable in their postgraduate research.



Learning Goals(学習の到達目標)

By the end of the course, students should be able to:
1) Describe the overall history of popular culture in Japan from the Edo period to the early 2000s.
2) Explain how historical circumstances, technological developments, and social changes came together to give life to new forms of entertainment media, genres, professions, and creative industries.
2) Recognize specific features of Japanese media and consumer behavior, but also find analogs and parallels in other countries where possible; use this understanding of the specific and the common to discern worldwide trends in popular culture.


The course will be conducted in English, however supplementary reading may include materials in Japanese.

1. Introduction: Defining popular culture
2. Proto-popular culture in Edo period I: Life and entertainment in cities and in the countryside
3. Proto-popular culture in Edo period II: Life and entertainment in cities and in the countryside
4. Proto-popular culture in Edo period II: Play and liminal spaces, traveling
5. Proto-popular culture in Edo period IV: Yōkai and hayarigami
6. Yōkai in the 20th century: from documented folklore to urban legends
7. The Taishō period I: Urbanization, westernization, new media
8. The Taishō period II: Entertainment in print, shōjo culture, and Takarazuka Revue
9. The Taishō period III: Early Japanese cinema; media and censorship
10. WWII aftermath: Japan during and after the occupation
11. The tumultuous 60s and new forms of entertainment
12. The affluent 70s: The arrival of kawaii culture
13. Many faces of ‘kyara’: yurukyara
14. Early history of game centers and video games in Japan
15. Mass media and scandal in Japan

(the lecture content may be subject to change)

Class Schedule and Activities(授業内容・方法と進度予定

The course will be conducted in English, however supplementary reading may include materials in Japanese.

1. Introduction: Defining popular culture
2. Proto-popular culture in Edo period I: Life and entertainment in cities and in the countryside
3. Proto-popular culture in Edo period II: Life and entertainment in cities and in the countryside
4. Proto-popular culture in Edo period II: Play and liminal spaces, traveling
5. Proto-popular culture in Edo period IV: Yōkai and hayarigami
6. Yōkai in the 20th century: from documented folklore to urban legends
7. The Taishō period I: Urbanization, westernization, new media
8. The Taishō period II: Entertainment in print, shōjo culture, and Takarazuka Revue
9. The Taishō period III: Early Japanese cinema; media and censorship
10. WWII aftermath: Japan during and after the occupation
11. The tumultuous 60s and new forms of entertainment
12. The affluent 70s: The arrival of kawaii culture
13. Many faces of ‘kyara’: yurukyara
14. Early history of game centers and video games in Japan
15. Mass media and scandal in Japan

(the lecture content may be subject to change)



Grading Plan(成績評価方法)

Attendance – 20%, work in class – 10%, assignments – 70%
If you have to be absent from class, you must notify the lecturer in advance.
Presence in class=1, participating online (without special reason)=0.5


No textbook will be required as readings will be provided by the instructor.


The course will be conducted in English.
Students are required to read the materials provided to them by the lecturer and complete corresponding assignments before class.
Students are also encouraged to actively draw examples and cases from their own experience of popular culture in Japan and overseas.

If you have any questions regarding the course, feel free to contact me via the following email:
You can also find me in my office (building C13, 827) on Mon.~Fri. 8:30 am-17.30 pm.




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