
フランス文学演習Ⅰ / French Literature (Seminar)I

前期 木曜日 4講時. 単位数: 2. 担当教員/Instructor: MEVEL YANN ERIC. セメスター: 5. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: LHM-LIT331J. 使用言語: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects



Reading , Understanding , Interpreting

Course Title (授業題目)

Reading , Understanding , Interpreting


Activities include :

- oral reading practice
- methodical analysis of literary texts
- oral and written expression exercices

Course Objectives and Course Synopsis(授業の目的と概要)

Activities include :

- oral reading practice
- methodical analysis of literary texts
- oral and written expression exercices


The aims of the course are as follows :

- initiate students to the analysis of literary texts
- increase reading and listening comprehension skills
- increase oral and written expression skills

Learning Goals(学習の到達目標)

The aims of the course are as follows :

- initiate students to the analysis of literary texts
- increase reading and listening comprehension skills
- increase oral and written expression skills


1 ) Introduction
2 ) Methodical reading
3 ) Methodical reading
4 ) Methodical reading
5 ) Methodical reading
6 ) Methodical reading
7 ) Methodical reading
8 ) Methodical reading
9 ) Methodical reading
10 ) Methodical reading
11 ) Methodical reading
12 ) Methodical reading
13 ) Methodical reading
14 ) Methodical reading
15 ) Methodical reading
16 ) Screening of a film related to literature . Analysis and discussion

Class Schedule and Activities(授業内容・方法と進度予定

1 ) Introduction
2 ) Methodical reading
3 ) Methodical reading
4 ) Methodical reading
5 ) Methodical reading
6 ) Methodical reading
7 ) Methodical reading
8 ) Methodical reading
9 ) Methodical reading
10 ) Methodical reading
11 ) Methodical reading
12 ) Methodical reading
13 ) Methodical reading
14 ) Methodical reading
15 ) Methodical reading
16 ) Screening of a film related to literature . Analysis and discussion


Assessment will initially take the form of a continuous oral assessment ( participation in classes ) , and in writing ( short texts ) .
This will account for 60 % of the overall assessment . At the end of the semester , assessment will take the form of a questionnaire
on a literary text .

Grading Plan(成績評価方法)

Assessment will initially take the form of a continuous oral assesment ( participation in classes ) , and in writing ( short texts ) .
This will account for 60 % of the overall assessment . At the end of the semester , assessment will take the form of a questionnaire
on a literary text .


Texts will be supplied to students.


Students will be required to do some preparatory reading and write short texts related to the subject of the course .

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