

前期 水曜日 2講時 CALL教室 M304. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 藤田 恭子. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: KIC-OHS614J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.



授業題目/Class Subject

マイノリティ文化をめぐる諸問題 ールーマニアのドイツ語文化を事例としてー
Introduction to the Study of minority culture: A Case of German-language Culture in Romania

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

ハプスブルク家治下のオーストリアが第一次世界大戦に敗れて解体された際、その一部はルーマニア領となりました。以後、ルーマニアにおいてドイツ語話者の文化はマイノリティ文化となり、非常に興味深い展開を遂げます。第二次世界大戦中の軍事独裁体制とホロコースト、戦後の社会主義独裁体制、そして1989年の東欧革命を経て、2009年には作家ヘルタ・ミュラーがノーベル文学賞を受賞しました。この間のルーマニアにおけるドイツ語文化の展開は、社会体制の変化と常に不可分でした。本講義では、ルーマニアのドイツ語文化を事例にマイノリティ文化を論じつつ、その際に目配りをすべき諸問題を解説します。After the end of the First World War, the Austrian Empire was disassembled, and some parts of the Empire became Romanian territory. After that, German-language culture in Romania is a minority culture, and it has developed under difficult conditions. The development of this culture in Romania has always been closely linked to the respective changes in the social system. Various problems in the study in this subject area are presented in this lecture .

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

Students will understand necessary points of view to consider different issues related to minority culture.
Students will acquire skills to discover and validate problems themselves, based on the above points of view.
Students will deepen their knowledge of Eastern European and German history and culture.

授業内容・目的・方法/Contents and progress schedule of class-授業計画

【重要】この科目ではGoogle Classroomを使用して、講義情報や講義資料、課題などを発信します。

· We mainly deal with the following points.
Historical and political nature of concepts on this topic. History of Romania, Germany and Austria. Political and social position of German speakers in Romania. Relationship between identity and language etc.
· Participants should "discover" problems of cultural pluralism by themselves. In the middle of June, they should introduce their own topic that they "discovered". Based on the discussions, Each student should write a paper.
· Knowledge of German is not a requirement for attending the lecture.
Communication outside of class (distribution of texts, submission of homework, etc.) takes place via Google Classroom.


Introduction to the Topic I

Introduction to the Topic II

Diversity of German-language Culture in Romania

ルーマニアのドイツ語文化・文学―20世紀初頭まで― (1)
German-language Culture and Literature in Romania - Until the Beginning of the 20th Century - I

ルーマニアのドイツ語文化・文学―20世紀初頭まで― (2)
German-language Culture and Literature in Romania - Until the Beginning of the 20th Century - II

ルーマニアのドイツ語文化・文学―20世紀初頭まで― (3)
German-language Culture and Literature in Romania - Until the Beginning of the 20th Century - III

ルーマニアのドイツ語文化・文学―20世紀前半― (1)
German-language Culture and Literature in Romania - First half of the 20th Century - I

Presentation by Participants

ルーマニアのドイツ語文化・文学―20世紀前半― (2)
German-language Culture and Literature in Romania - First half of the 20th Century - II

ルーマニアのドイツ語文化・文学―社会主義体制時代― (1)
German-language Culture and Literature in Romania - Under Socialist System - I

ルーマニアのドイツ語文化・文学―社会主義体制時代― (2)
German-language Culture and Literature in Romania - Under Socialist System - II

ルーマニアのドイツ語文化・文学―クリスマス革命以後― (1)
German-language Culture and Literature in Romania -After the Christmas Revolution- I

ルーマニアのドイツ語文化・文学―クリスマス革命以後― (2)
German-language Culture and Literature in Romania -After the Christmas Revolution- II

総括 Summary

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

Evaluation is performed comprehensively based on a submitted paper, presentations and participation in discussion. Term paper 70%, presentations and participation in discussion 30%.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

教室で指示する。Textbook and references will be designated in the course.

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

-Students should "find" their own research topic.
-In order to set a topic, it is necessary to gather information about previous research about the topic and available materials.
-Students should prepare handouts for their research topic presentations.
-Students should read materials for the lecture in advance.

その他/In addition

Office hours: Make an appointment via e-mail or other means.

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