

前期 金曜日 5講時 CALL教室 M303. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: GODART GERARD RA. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: KIC-ARS709J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.



授業題目/Class Subject

日本宗教・思想史研究の方法と諸問題A Methods and Problems in the Study of Japanese Religious and Intellectual History A

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

日本宗教・思想史研究に関わる様々な問題をめぐって、相互討論によって研究の視点や方法を深めていく。受講生自身の草稿に対してピアレビューを行うとともに、日本宗教・思想史研究をめぐる新たな研究動向や視点を積極的に紹介する。 / In this course students will develop research perspectives and methods through debate on various problems in the study of Japanese religious and intellectual history. Students will be introduced to new trends and perspectives in research in the field of Japanese religious and intellectual history through peer review of student papers.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study


授業内容・目的・方法/Contents and progress schedule of class-授業計画

発表者はあらかじめ期日までにレジュメ・ハンドアウトを参加者全員に配布し、これにもとづいて当日発表する。その後全員で質疑及び意見交換をおこなう。 Students will provide summaries or handouts to all participants by the due date and present based on these materials. The presentation is followed by Q & A and an exchange of ideas.

オリエンテーション Orientation

国日本宗教・思想史研究の諸問題・発表・討議 Problems in Japanese religious and intellectual history presentation and debate

国日本宗教・思想史研究の諸問題・発表・討議 Problems in Japanese religious and intellectual history presentation and debate

国日本宗教・思想史研究の諸問題・発表・討議 Problems in Japanese religious and intellectual history presentation and debate

国日本宗教・思想史研究の諸問題・発表・討議 Problems in Japanese religious and intellectual history presentation and debate

国日本宗教・思想史研究の諸問題・発表・討議 Problems in Japanese religious and intellectual history presentation and debate

国日本宗教・思想史研究の諸問題・発表・討議 Problems in Japanese religious and intellectual history presentation and debate

国日本宗教・思想史研究の諸問題・発表・討議 Problems in Japanese religious and intellectual history presentation and debate

国日本宗教・思想史研究の諸問題・発表・討議 Problems in Japanese religious and intellectual history presentation and debate

国日本宗教・思想史研究の諸問題・発表・討議 Problems in Japanese religious and intellectual history presentation and debate

日本宗教・思想史研究の諸問題・発表・討議 Problems in Japanese religious and intellectual history presentation and debate

日本宗教・思想史研究の諸問題・発表・討議 Problems in Japanese religious and intellectual history presentation and debate

日本宗教・思想史研究の諸問題・発表・討議 Problems in Japanese religious and intellectual history presentation and debate

日本宗教・思想史研究の諸問題・発表・討議 Problems in Japanese religious and intellectual history presentation and debate

日本宗教・思想史研究の諸問題・発表・討議 Problems in Japanese religious and intellectual history presentation and debate

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

There will be no examination. Students will be graded on overall performance and based on their handouts, presentations and participation in discussion.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references


授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review


その他/In addition

授業の具体的な進行方法については最初のガイダンスの際に説明する。/ How to proceed the lesson will
be explained at the initial guidance.
ハンドアウト/レジュメに関しては、発表する週の月曜日までに提出すること。/Handouts or summaries
should be submitted by the Monday of the week of your presentation..

 これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認