

後期 木曜日 5講時. 単位数: 2. 履修年度: 2024.


In person


Email: nishimoto@tohoku.ac.jp; Google classroom:bp3x3hu


October 3rd. 5th period


This course aims to allow students to acquire and extend their knowledge of international law through discussions on fundamental issues in various fields of international law. It will cover topics such as the sources of international law, the relationship between international and national law, the law of treaties, jurisdiction and immunities, state responsibility, the law of international organizations, the use of force, and international dispute settlement.


The course will be conducted in person.

The course will be based on discussions concerning fundamental issues in international law. Each week, a chapter of the textbook will be designated together with a set of questions related to some of the most important issues discussed in the chapter. In each class, participants will be asked to answer and discuss the questions to confirm their understanding of the relevant rules and principles of international law.

The course is planned to proceed as follows:

1. Introduction
2. The Nature and Development of International Law
3. Sources of International Law
4. The Relations of International and National Law
5. International Organizations
6. Common Spaces and Cooperation in the Use of Natural Resources
7. Legal Aspects of the Protection of the Environment
8. The Law of Treaties
9. Sovereignty and Equality of States; Jurisdictional Competence
10. Privileges and Immunities of Foreign States
11. The Conditions for International Responsibility
12. Consequences of an Internationally Wrongful Act
13. International Human Rights
14. Third-Party Settlement of International Disputes
15. Use or Threat of Force by States


The goal of this course is for students to acquire a deeper understanding of some of the most important issues in international law. A further goal is for students to improve their ability to engage in discussions in English.


Grades will be assessed based on participation in the discussions in class and the degree to which the participant demonstrated his or her understanding of the issues in answering the questions in class.


James Crawford, Brownlie’s Principles of Public International Law (9th ed., Oxford University Press, 2019).


Students will be required to read the designated section of the textbook and think about the questions for discussion in class in advance.


This course will be conducted in English.

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