
Contemporay Chinese Diplomacy

前期 火曜日 4講時. 単位数: 2. 科目区分: 学部演習. 授業形態: 演習. 対象学年: 3,4年次対象. 履修年度: 2024.








This class will be conducted in person.


Google Classroom class code: ihk6url

Instructor's email: roth.antoine.armin.e2@tohoku.ac.jp


9 April 2024


This class aims to provide an overview of the major issues and main dynamics shaping contemporary Chinese diplomacy. It will cover the history of the foreign policy of the People’s Republic of China, its relationship with key states and regions around the world, and the main themes in its contemporary diplomacy, such as the Belt and Road Initiative, its engagement with international organizations, and its efforts to shape the international narrative about China's rise.

The class will consist of weekly readings, lecture by the professor, and presentations by students followed by class discussions. Students will be expected to follow international news, to participate actively in class by asking questions and giving comments when called on, and to give one presentation offering their own analysis of the readings and the theme for the week. They will also write a short paper relating to their presentation as well as a longer final paper.


1. Introduction
2. History of China's foreign relations
3. Foreign policy-making
4. China's worldview and grand strategy
5. Striving for achievements and occupying center stage
6. Winning hearts and mind
7. China-US relations
8. Sino-Japanese relations
9. China's relations with East Asia
10. China's relations with Russia and Central Asia
11. China's relations with South Asia
12. China's relations with Europe
13. China's relations with the developing world
14. China and global governance
15. A Chinese world order?


By the end of the class, students will be expected to have acquired a basic knowledge of the main themes and features of contemporary Chinese diplomacy and to have developed the necessary tools to analyze and understand the future trajectory of the country. They will also have trained how to present their ideas coherently to the class, how to summarize and present information clearly, and how to write academic papers.


Attendance and participation 30%
Presentation and short paper 30%
Final paper 40%


Readings will be announced in class and uploaded on Google Classroom.


Students are expected to diligently read the weekly readings, to stay informed of recent international news relating to Chinese diplomacy, and to think of questions and personal reflections related to the week's topic to submit in class.


This class will be conducted entirely in English.

Please contact the instructor to arrange a consultation.

Attendance is mandatory and recorded. In case of absence, the instructor should be notified prior to the class.


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