

前期集中 その他 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 対象学科・専攻/Departments: 情報基礎科学専攻、システム情報科学専攻、人間社会情報科学専攻、応用情報科学専攻. 学期/Term: 前期集中. 履修年度: 2024. 使用言語: English.  (日本語も必要に応じてOK).



授業題目/Class Subject

英語プレゼンテーション / English Presentation


このクラスでは、効果的なプレゼンテーションの必要なテクニックを習得する。 学生は、


プレゼンテーションを計画するときに視聴者のニーズを考慮する方法と視聴する価値のあるようなアイデアに調整することを練習します。 また、ボディランゲージ、アイコンタクト、イントネーションなどの基本的なテクニックも練習します。 さらに、自発的に質問したり、質問に答えたりする練習もあります。


This class will allow students to master the techniques necessary for giving effective presentations. Successful students will be able to

1) plan, write and deliver an approximately 10-minute presentation on a technical topic
2) listen to, analyze and evaluate contents of presentations given by others.

Students will consider needs of their audiences when planning and designing a presentation, and practice how to refine ideas to be "worth sharing."
Students will also practice basic techniques such as body language, eye contact, and intonation. In addition, there will be practice in spontaneously asking and answering questions.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

You will give three presentations:
1. Practice 1: A short self-introduction "with a purpose." Practice connecting with audience and making eye contact
2. Practice 2: Talk about a topic of personal interest. Practice explaining something people don’t know. Practice using photographs in slides.
3. Final: Talk about a technical topic (preferably related to your studies).

Apply the lessons of the class to your own work.
• You will prepare for these presentations using storyboards and/or outlines
• You will also observe classmates’ presentations carefully, ask questions and give comments. You will discuss topics, plans and storyboards with classmates to get their thoughts and help them with their preparation. Your participation in these tasks is part of your grade.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

Day 1
• Introduction & Orientation - Review Course goals
• Watch and analyze model TED
• Discuss and prepare Self-Introductions - How to introduce yourself to a group
Day 2
• Practice Presentation & Evaluation - Present a self-introduction
• Watch and analyze model TED
• Discuss & prepare presentation about a special interest
Day 3
• Practice Presentation: Present about special interest.
• Review TED talk tools
• Discuss and prepare final presentation outline
Day 4
• Review and discuss principles of good slide design, and use of props
• Review more TED talk tools
• Discuss final presentation outlines; develop slides; rehearse in groups
Day 5
• Final Presentations - Present to class
• Review of course

Materials distributed through Google Classroom. Classes conducted through Zoom as needed.

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

Grade calculation:
• 40% - quality of final presentation (see Rubric below)
• 30% - quality of practice presentations
• 30% - Preparation and Classwork. Based on teacher observation and workbook submitted
through Google Classroom

Rubric for Evaluating Presentations:
Content 70%
• Has a clear theme and “throughline.” The talk is about one clear idea.
• Connects with audience at beginning
• Is clear and comprehensible
• Demonstrates why topic is important – “makes me care”
• Ends strongly
Delivery 30%
• Eye contact
• Strong, expressive voice
• Gestures, timing, coordination with visual aids
• Finish on time

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references






    Read about good presentation strategies and techniques (materials provided by the teacher)
    View and analyze sample TED talks
    Prepare presentations




    Available by email. Address distributed first day of class.

    実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness


    その他/In addition


     これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認