

前期 月曜日 4講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 対象学科・専攻/Departments: 情報基礎科学専攻、システム情報科学専攻、応用情報科学専攻. 学期/Term: 前期. 履修年度: 2024. 使用言語: 日本語.資料等は日英併記..



授業題目/Class Subject

計算機構論 / Computer Structures



【 重要 】
本講義はGoogle Classroomを利用します.Google Classroomにアクセスし,以下のクラスコードを入力して下さい.



The microprocessor is considered to be a key technology in present-day information society -- its applications are ranging from embedded systems to high-end supercomputers. The course will introduce the basic organization of computers and their design principle. The goal of this course is to learn the fundamentals of computers, performance measures, performance evaluation with benchmarks, machine languages, computer arithmetic, processors (with datapath and control), performance enhancement through pipelining, and application case studies, resulting in better understanding of the basic concept of hardware/software interface.

【 Attention 】
This lecture is available online via Google classroom. Please access Google classroom and input the following class code to join this lecture.

Class code:××××(発表後、入力します)

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study


Understand the configuration, operation principle, and application of the microprocessor.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

1. コンピュータの基本概念(歴史的背景)
2. コンピュータの性能尺度
3. ベンチマークによる性能評価
4. 機械語の基礎(ハードウェアとソフトウェアのインタフェース)
5. 機械語の基礎(ハードウェアにおける手続き呼び出しのサポート)
6. 高級言語から機械語への変換
7. コンピュータの演算(整数演算)
8. コンピュータの演算(浮動小数点演算)
9. プロセッサ(単一サイクルマシン)
10. プロセッサ(マルチサイクルマシン)
11. パイプラインを用いた性能向上(パイプライン処理の概要)
12. パイプラインを用いた性能向上(データパスのパイプライン化)
13. スーパースカラと動的パイプライン処理
14. その他の高性能化手法
15. マイクロプロセッサの実際と応用事例

1. Fundamentals of Computers (Historical Perspective)
2. Performance Measures for Computers
3. Measuring Performance with Benchmarks
4. Fundamentals of Machine Language (Hardware/Software Interface)
5. Fundamentals of Machine Language (Supporting Procedures in Computer Hardware)
6. Translating High-Level Languages into Machine Codes
7. Computer Arithmetic (Integer Operation)
8. Computer Arithmetic (Floating-Point Operation)
9. Processor (Single-Cycle Machine)
10. Processor (Multi-CycleMachine)
11. Enhancing Performance with Pipelining (Overview of Pipelining)
12. Enhancing Performance with Pipelining (PipelinedDatapath)
13. Superscalar and Dynamic Pipelining
14. Other Techniques for Performance Improvement
15. Practical Microprocessors and Their Applications

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

試験,レポート(3 回),出席状況などに基づき総合的に評価する.

Evaluated based on the results of final examination, home assignments (three times) and record of attendance.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

  • コンピュータの構成と設計~ハードウェアとソフトウェアのインタフェース, デイビッド・A. パターソン,ジョン・L. ヘネシー, 日経BP 社
  • Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy, Morgan Kaufmann Pub.






The session time is limited and therefore self-directed learning is important. Students are required to prepare and review for each class.




Students can contact the instructor via e-mail.

その他/In addition


Students are required not only to submit class assignments but also to review each class using handouts. The lecture is challenging and hard, from which students can learn many.

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