

後期 水曜日 5講時 / 後期 水曜日 6講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 対象学科・専攻/Departments: 共通基盤科目. 学期/Term: 後期. 履修年度: 2024. 使用言語: 授業は基本的には日本語.英語での対応も可能. Mainly Japanese. Presentation: Japanese or English.



授業題目/Class Subject

Interdisciplinary Information Science




Students will learn how to conduct data analysis by working on a pseudo-project that is being carried out at a private company. Students will work on research planning and data analysis. Data are provided by Dentsu Inc.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

(1) プログラミングによるデータ解析
(2) 大規模計算機の利用
(3) ビッグデータの取り扱い
(4) 研究計画の立案・遂行能力

To obtain the following skills:
(1) Data analysis by programming
(2) Using high performance computing
(3) Handling of big data
(4) Direction of research projects

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

○Google Classroom
授業には Google Classroom を利用する(クラスコード: xxxxxxx)
Classes will be delivered on Google Classroom(Class code: xxxxxxx)
※Google Meet は利用しません.MetaLife を利用します.
※Google Meet will NOT used. Instead, MetaLife will be used.

Offline only for the 8th and last classes, online (real-time) for the rest of the classes.

The first seven classed are hands-on lectures on how to use Python, machine learning methods with scikit-learn, and deep learning methods with TensorFlow.

01 10/02(水)5-6講時 プログラミング演習(ハンズオンは1講時分で残りは自習)
02 10/09(水)5-6講時 プログラミング演習(ハンズオンは1講時分で残りは自習)(できる人は出席不要)
03 10/16(水)5-6講時 プログラミング演習(ハンズオンは1講時分で残りは自習)(できる人は出席不要)
04 10/23(水)5-6講時 プログラミング演習(ハンズオンは1講時分で残りは自習)(できる人は出席不要)
05 10/30(水)5-6講時 プログラミング演習(ハンズオンは1講時分で残りは自習)(できる人は出席不要)
06 11/06(水)5-6講時 プログラミング演習(ハンズオンは1講時分で残りは自習)(できる人は出席不要)
07 11/13(水)5-6講時 プログラミング演習(ハンズオンは1講時分で残りは自習)(できる人は出席不要)
08 11/20(水)5-6講時 PBLのイントロダクション(中講義室にて対面での実施)
09 11/27(水)5-6講時 研究計画の立案・報告
10 12/04(水)5-6講時 データ探索
11 12/11(水)5-6講時 中間発表
12 12/18(水)5-6講時 モデル構築
13 12/25(水)5-6講時 モデル構築
14 01/08(水)5-6講時 分析と考察
15 01/15(水)5-6講時 成果発表会(中講義室にて対面での実施)

01 10/02 (Wed) 5-6 slots Programming practice (First 1 slot: Lecture, The remaining time: self-study)
02 10/09 (Wed) 5-6 slots Programming practice (First 1 slot: Lecture, The remaining time: self-study) (Attendance not required for those with strong data science skills)
03 10/16 (Wed) 5-6 slots Programming practice (First 1 slot: Lecture, The remaining time: self-study) (Attendance not required for those with strong data science skills.)
04 10/23 (Wed) 5-6 slots Programming practice (First 1 slot: Lecture, The remaining time: self-study) (Attendance not required for those with strong data science skills.)
05 10/30 (Wed) 5-6 slots Programming practice (First 1 slot: Lecture, The remaining time: self-study) (Attendance not required for those with strong data science skills.)
06 11/06 (Wed) 5-6 slots Programming practice (First 1 slot: Lecture, The remaining time: self-study) (Attendance not required for those with strong data science skills.)
07 11/13 (Wed) 5-6 slots Programming practice (First 1 slot: Lecture, The remaining time: self-study) (Attendance not required for those with strong data science skills.)
08 11/20 (Wed) 5-6 slots Introduction of PBL (Offline in Mid-lecture room of GSIS)
09 11/27 (Wed) 5-6 slots Reporting research plan
10 12/04 (Wed) 5-6 slots Checking data
11 12/11 (Wed) 5-6 slots Midterm presentation
12 12/18 (Wed) 5-6 slots Machine learning model construction
13 12/25 (Wed) 5-6 slots Machine learning model construction
14 01/08 (Wed) 5-6 slots Discussion and making presentation materials
15 01/15 (Wed) 5-6 slots Presentation (Offline in Mid-lecture room of GSIS)

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

(1) 最終プレゼンテーション
(2) 中間発表
(3) 毎週の3分程度行うインタビュー

Based on the following criteria.
(1) The final presentation
(2) The mid presentation
(3) Weekly 3 minutes interview

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references






    Students are required to conduct data analysis on their computer.




    Any time. Make an appointment in advance via e-mail.

    実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness

    その他/In addition


    Two classes / day, totally 30 classes. You need your own computation environment. If you do not have your own laptop, please tell us in advance. The students should have basic knowledge of machine learning and be able to use some programming language.

     これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認