

後期 金曜日 2講時 保健学科第1講義室. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 青柳 哲史, 佐藤 光. 対象学科・専攻/Departments: 保健学科検査技術科学専攻. セメスター/Semester: 4セメスター. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: MMT-LCS3J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.



主要授業科目/Essential Subjects

授業題目/Class subject

Basic understanding for clinical microbiological tests

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

Infectious diseases are important diseases related to all clinical departments. In recent years, the outbreak of SARS-CoV2, the emergence of new influenza viruses, the epidemic of Ebola hemorrhagic fever, drug-resistant bacteria, and nosocomial infections have become major social problems. Microbial testing includes detection, identification and drug susceptibility testing of causative microorganisms present in specimens. In this class, learn about microbiological characteristics and their relevance to infectious diseases for pathological bacteria.

学習の到達目標/Goal of study

Understand characteristics and detection/identification methods of various pathogenic microbes, drug sensitivity, and serological and genetic diagnosis of these diseases.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

細菌の病原性・同定・治療 / Pathogenesis, identification and treatment of bacteria
①好気性または通性嫌気性グラム陽性球菌(ブドウ球菌など) / Obligate aerobe or facultative anaerobe gram-positive cocci (Genus Staphylococcus, etc.)
②好気性または通性嫌気性グラム陽性球菌(連鎖球菌、腸球菌) / Obligate aerobe or facultative anaerobe gram-positive cocci (Genus Streptocuccus, Enterocuccs)
③好気性グラム陰性球菌(ナイセリア、モラクセラ) / Obligate aerobe gram-negative cocci (Genus Neisseria, Moraxella)
④好気性グラム陽性桿菌(バシラス、抗酸菌など) / Obligate aerobe gram-positive bacilli (Genus Bacillus, Mycobacterium, etc.)
⑤通性嫌気性グラム陰性桿菌(腸内細菌科、大腸菌) / Facultative anaerobe gram-negative bacilli (Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli)
⑥通性嫌気性グラム陰性桿菌(赤痢菌、サルモネラ菌) / Facultative anaerobe gram-negative bacilli (Genus Shigella, Salmonella)
⑦通性嫌気性グラム陰性桿菌(エルシニア、クレブシエラ、ビブリオ科、パスツレラ科、その他の腸内細菌科)/ Facultative anaerobe gram-negative bacilli (Genus Yersinia, Klebsiella, Vibrionaceae, Pasteurellaceae, other Enterobacteriaceae)
らせん状菌(カンピロバクター、ヘリコバクターなど) / Spirillum (Genus Campylobacter, Helicobacter, etc.)
⑧好気性グラム陰性桿菌(ブドウ糖非発酵菌、レジオネラ菌、百日咳菌など) / Obligate aerobe gram-negative bacilli (nonfermentive gram-negative rods, Genus Bordetella, Legionella, etc.)
⑨ウイルス学(DNAウイルス)/Virology(DNA virus)
⑩ウイルス学(RNAウイルス)/Vilology(RNA virus)
⑪真菌学(カンジダ属、クリプトコックス属、アスペルギルスなど)/Mycology(Geneus Candida,Genus Cryptococcus, Genus Asepegillus, etc)
⑫真菌学(黒色真菌、輸入真菌、皮膚糸状菌など)/Mycology(dematiaceous fungus, imported mycosi, dermatophytes, etc)
⑬嫌気性菌 / Obligate anaerobe
⑭スピロヘータ、レプトスピラなど / Spirochaetaceae, Leptospiraceae, etc.
⑮リケッチア、マイコプラズマ、クラミジア / Rickettsia, Mycoplasmataceae, Chlamydiaceae.

成績評価方法/Evaluation method

Grading is evaluated by attendance (about 10%) and term-end exams (about 90%).

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

  • 最新臨床検査学講座 臨床微生物学, 松本哲哉, 医歯薬出版 資料種別:教科書
  • メディカルサイエンス微生物検査学, 太田敏子, 近代出版 資料種別:参考書

授業時間外学習/Preparation and Review

Conduct a review test of the previous lecture. Therefore, review the lecture contents by referring to textbooks.

実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness

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