

前期集中 その他 連講. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 塩飽 仁, 入江 亘, 菅原 明子. 対象学科・専攻/Departments: 保健学科看護学専攻. セメスター/Semester: 5セメスター. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: MNS-FMN3J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.



主要授業科目/Essential Subjects

授業題目/Class subject


1.Students will understand the basics of collecting and analyzing various data handled in the field of nursing.
2.Students will learn the basic methods of conducting research and statistically analyzing and summarizing the results.

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class


 Nurses need to collect and analyze various data in the field of nursing, and to make judgments, take actions, and make evaluations based on the results of these analyses. In addition, nurses need to engage in research in order to base their decisions on evidence. In this class, students will learn the basic research process for quantifying and measuring phenomena, analyzing them statistically, describing and communicating them.

学習の到達目標/Goal of study


1.Students will be able to notice various information about people in their daily lives.
2.Students will be able to understand the basic methods of collecting and statistically analyzing the information of a group of people.
3.Students will understand how to communicate the results of analysis to other people in easy-to-understand texts and media.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

●4月11日(木),4月18日(木),4月25日(木)の講義は第2講義室(保A棟2階) ,GWは第2講義室と家族支援看護実習室(保A棟4階)で行う。
第 1回 4月11日(木)1講時 講義1:オリエンテーション,情報を調査する意義,調査研究の基本的な考え方
第 2回 4月11日(木)2講時 講義2:調査テーマの発想としぼり込み,調査デザイン,調査計画,研究倫理
第 3回 4月11日(木)3講時 講義3:2群のデータを扱う統計の基礎的知識,検定手法
第 4回 4月11日(木)4講時 GW1:調査テーマの検索と課題設定,調査デザインの決定
第 5回 4月11日(木)5講時 GW2:調査計画の作成
第 6回 4月18日(木)1講時 講義4:アンケートの作り方,調査方法,データの収集と加工
第 7回 4月18日(木)2講時 GW3:調査依頼文,アンケートフォームの作成
第 8回 4月25日(木)1講時 講義5:統計ソフトウェアの使い方
第 9回 4月25日(木)2講時 GW4:データ収集とアンケートへの回答
第10回 4月25日(木)3講時 GW5:データの加工と統計解析
第11回 4月25日(木)4講時 講義6:調査結果のまとめ方(抄録の書き方と演題発表の仕方)
第12回 4月25日(木)5講時 GW6:抄録とプレゼン資料の作成
第13回 5月 2日(木)1講時 GW7:調査成果発表準備
第14回 5月 2日(木)2講時 GW8:調査成果発表会(学会形式のプレゼンテーションとディスカッション)
第15回 5月 2日(木)3講時 レポート作成
※GW:Group work

●Lectures on April 11 (Thu.), April 18 (Thu.), and April 25 (Thu.) will be held in Lecture Room 2 (School of Health Sciences Bldg.A 2F), and GW will be held in Lecture Room 2 and Family Support Nursing Practice Room (School of Health Sciences Bldg.A 4F).
# 1 Apr.11 Lecture 1: Guidance / Significance of researching information, basic concepts of survey research
# 2 Apr.11 Lecture 2: Brainstorming and selection research theme, research design, research plan, research ethics
# 3 Apr.11 Lecture 3: Basic knowledge of statistics for handling two groups of data, statistical testing methods
# 4 Apr.11 Group work 1: Searching for research themes and setting issues, deciding on research design
# 5 Apr.11 Group work 2: Writing a research proposal
# 6 Apr.18 Lecture 4: How to make a questionnaire, survey method, data collection and processing
# 7 Apr.18 Group work 3: Making survey request paper and survey forms
# 8 Apr.25 Lecture 5: How to use statistical software
# 9 Apr.25 Group work 4: Data collection and questionnaire response
#10 Apr.25 Group work 5: Data processing and Statistical analysis
#11 Apr.25 Lecture 6: How to summarize research results (how to write an abstract and how to present an abstract)
#12 Apr.25 Group work 6: Preparation of abstracts and presentation media
●Classes on May 2 (Thu.) will be held in Seiryo Auditorium(2F).
#13 May 2 Group work 7: Preparation for presentation of research results
#14 May 2 Group work 8: Presentation of research results (academic conference-style presentation and discussion)
#15 May 2 Reflection writing

成績評価方法/Evaluation method


・Students will be required to submit a minit paper each time in this class.
・Grading will be done on a 100-point scale, with 10% of the grade based on the minit paper and 90% based on participation in the group work and the results of the practices.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

    授業時間外学習/Preparation and Review


     Students are expected to search for and read research results (articles and abstracts) on the topics of their interest and concern, not only in nursing science but also in other fields. Students should deepen their understanding of various methodologies for analyzing information into research data.

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