
言語システム論 / Study of language Systems

前期 木曜日 4講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : 柳田 賢二. 履修年度: 2024.



授業題目/Class Subject

An Introduction to Phonology

授業の目的・概要及び達成方法等/Object in Class subject and Object and summary of class and Goal of study(J)


いずれの言語も言語記号(形態素 ≒ 語)の体系systemであり、この「恣意性」は言語記号(シーニュ)のシニフィエ(内容面、意味)とシニフィアン(形式面、音形)の両面において存在するが、シニフィアンにおいては極めて明瞭な形で現れるので、その本質を理解しやすい。

授業の目的・概要及び達成方法等(E)/Object in Class subject and Object and summary of class and Goal of study

Language, as well as the law, is a part of social environment that is external for a man. At the same time, however, it is a kind of very tough and unbreakable “internal environment” for a man, which forces him to make much more arbitrary distinctions than the law so firmly and strongly that he cannot recognize the arbitrariness in the distinctions that he makes.
Every language is a system (=a langue) of language signes (morphemes ≒ words), each of which consists of a signifie (content, meanings) and a signifiant (sound shapes). Although the above-mentioned arbitrariness is found both in the singnifie and in the signifiant, it is easier to understand its nature in the signifiant, for it appears in quite clear and distinct ways there.
This course aims to provide students with opportunities to understand most important concepts in “phonology”, which form the basis of linguistics itself and which must be referred to in every study of language. The students, however, shall learn “phonetics” precisely before “phonology”, for it is impossible to understand the latter without knowledge of the former. In the end of the course, students will be engaged in a contrastive study of the phonological systems of Japanese, Russian and Korean languages.

授業計画/Contents and progress schedule of class(J)

※授業支援システムとして、Google Classroomを用いる。音声資料等の配布にしばしば用いるので、自宅でもすぐにアクセスできるようにしておくこと。ダウンロードするよう指示されたファイルは必ずすぐにダウンロードし、パソコン内に保存しておくこと。

1. イントロダクション
2.  音声学と国際音声記号(IPA)の原理について(1)
3.  同上(2)
4.  同上(3)
5.  同上(4)
6.  同上(5)
7. 同上(6)
8.  音素の概念と音韻論について(1)
9.  同上(2)
10.  日本語の分節的音素体系および超文節的音韻体系について
13.  ロシア語の分節的音素体系およびアクセントについて
11.  朝鮮語の分節的音素体系について
12.  音節言語とモーラ言語の違いおよび日本語話者・朝鮮語話者間での相互言語習得における発音および聞き取り上の問題点との関係について
14.  日本語話者によるロシア語習得及びロシア語話者による日本語習得において現れる発音および聞き取り上の問題点について
15. 試験

授業計画(E)/Contents and progress schedule of class

・Instruction for all courses will be delivered face-to-face. Remote instruction via online classes will only be implemented in the event of exceptional circumstances that could not have been anticipated.
Students are required to transcribe all information presented on the blackboard into their personal notebooks. The content of the blackboard constitutes material that may be examined.
・The Google Classroom platform shall serve as an auxiliary instructional tool. It is frequently utilized for the dissemination of auditory materials and other resources; therefore, students must ensure they have immediate access to the platform outside of class hours. Students are obligated to promptly download and locally store any files that are specified for download.
・Correspondence from the course instructor via email must be reviewed without delay. In instances where a response is requested, students are expected to reply expeditiously.

1. Introduction
2.  Phonetics and the Principles of International Phonetic Alphabet(1)
3.  〃(2)
4.  〃(3)

5.  〃(4)
6.  〃(5)
7. 〃(6)
8.  Phonology and the Concept of Phoneme(1)
9.  〃(2)
10.  The Segmental Phonemic System and Suprasegmental Features of Japanese
13.  The Segmental Phonemic System and Suprasegmental Features of Russian
11.  The Segmental Phonemic System of Korean
12.  The Difference between “a Syllable” and “a Mora”. The Difficulty of Japanese Pronunciation for Koreans
14.  The Difficulty of Russian Pronunciation for Japanese
15. Examination

授業時間外学修/Self study(J)


授業時間外学修(E)/Self study

The students are recommended to read "Susure no shisou"(The thought of F.de Sassure, in Japanese), written by Keizaburo Maruyama, 1981, to understand what the above mentioned "language as internal environment" is.

成績評価方法及び基準/Record and evaluation method(J)


成績評価方法及び基準(E)/Record and evaluation method

A student absent more than 4 sessions will not be given any credit.
The final examination, submitted report, attendance and so on are evaluated.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

(参考書)Peter Ladefoged, A Course in Phonetics, Fifth Edition, 2006, Thomson Wadworth
(参考書)N. S. トゥルベツコイ著、長嶋善郎訳『音韻論の原理』(岩波書店)

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