
プロセスシステム設計工学 / Design and Optimization of Process Systems

後期 火曜日 1講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : 福島 康裕. 履修年度: 2024.



授業題目/Class Subject

プロセスシステム設計工学/Design and Optimization of Process Systems

授業の目的・概要及び達成方法等/Object in Class subject and Object and summary of class and Goal of study(J)



授業の目的・概要及び達成方法等(E)/Object in Class subject and Object and summary of class and Goal of study

In this lecture, the students will acquire basic skills for chemical process design and optimization, along with the textbook.

You will need to study the contents for the next lecture outside of the class. You will also need to use your PC to perform the exercise.

授業計画/Contents and progress schedule of class(J)

1.Introduction to the course, Chapter 1: Introduction to Process Design
2. Chapter 2: Overview of Flowsheet Synthesis,
3. Chapter 3: Mass and Energy Balances
4. Chapter 4: Equipment Sizing and Costing
5. Chapter 5: Economic Evaluation
6. Introduction to Python and Pyomo
7. Pyomo Exercise
8. IDAES Exercise 1
9. IDAES Exercise 2
10. IDAES Exercise 3
11. IDAES Exercise 4
12. IDAES Exercise 5
13. Building my own process model (1)
14. Building my own process model (2)
15. Presentation

授業計画(E)/Contents and progress schedule of class

1.Introduction to the course, Chapter 1: Introduction to Process Design
2. Chapter 2: Overview of Flowsheet Synthesis,
3. Chapter 3: Mass and Energy Balances
4. Chapter 4: Equipment Sizing and Costing
5. Chapter 5: Economic Evaluation
6. Introduction to Python and Pyomo
7. Pyomo Exercise
8. IDAES Exercise 1
9. IDAES Exercise 2
10. IDAES Exercise 3
11. IDAES Exercise 4
12. IDAES Exercise 5
13. Building my own process model (1)
14. Building my own process model (2)
15. Presentation

授業時間外学修/Self study(J)


授業時間外学修(E)/Self study

You'll need to go through the textbook chapters for the next lecture and prepare for some presentations.

成績評価方法及び基準/Record and evaluation method(J)

Presentation(s) and Reports (100%)

成績評価方法及び基準(E)/Record and evaluation method

Presentation(s) and Reports (100%)

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

Systematic Methods of Chemical Process Design,L.T. Biegler,Prentice Hall Intnl. Series
Pyomo-Optimization Modeling in Python Second Edition,W. Hart et al,Springer

その他/In Addition


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