
応用錯体化学 / Advanced Coordination Chemistry

後期 金曜日 1講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : 壹岐 伸彦. 履修年度: 2024.



授業題目/Class Subject

Advanced Coordination Chemistry

授業の目的・概要及び達成方法等/Object in Class subject and Object and summary of class and Goal of study(J)

1. Aim
Coordination chemistry dealing with synergy between metal ions and ligands has departed from the field of classical inorganic chemistry for a wide variety of interdisciplinary fields such as analytical, materials, bioinorganic, and biomedical chemistry. To explore the fields, understanding of the basic concepts of coordination chemistry as well as the comprehensive back ground of the topics are essential. This course helps students to gain those basics by dealing with hot topics in the current coordination chemistry.

2. General content
This course consists of five main topics; essential concepts in coordination chemistry, analytical applications, bio-inorganic aspects, biomedical application, and functional materials design. In each topic, basic concepts will be introduced such as structural characterization, physicochemical properties, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and chemical functions.

3. Goal
By dealing with the topics, students are expected to
- Obtain deep understanding of basic concepts of coordination chemistry.
- Widen the perspective for science concerning coordination chemistry.

授業の目的・概要及び達成方法等(E)/Object in Class subject and Object and summary of class and Goal of study

1. Aim
Coordination chemistry dealing with synergy between metal ions and ligands has departed from the field of classical inorganic chemistry for a wide variety of interdisciplinary fields such as analytical, materials, bioinorganic, and biomedical chemistry. To explore the fields, understanding of the basic concepts of coordination chemistry as well as the comprehensive back ground of the topics are essential. This course helps students to gain those basics by dealing with hot topics in the current coordination chemistry.

2. General content
This course consists of five main topics; essential concepts in coordination chemistry, analytical applications, bio-inorganic aspects, biomedical application, and functional materials design. In each topic, basic concepts will be introduced such as structural characterization, physicochemical properties, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and chemical functions.

3. Goal
By dealing with the topics, students are expected to
- Obtain deep understanding of basic concepts of coordination chemistry.
- Widen the perspective for science concerning coordination chemistry.

授業計画/Contents and progress schedule of class(J)

1. Introduction to Advanced Coordination Chemistry
2. Basic Concepts in Coordination Chemistry
3. Where is the radical? Assignment of the Electronic Structure of Pt(II)-o-Phenylenediamine Complex
4. Designing Molecules to Recognize Metal Ions
5. Kinetic-Differentiation mode HPLC of Metal Complexes
6. Distinguishing the Properties of Metal Complexes at the 2nd Coordination Sphere with KD mode Capillary Electrophoresis
7. Coordination Chemistry of Carbonic Anhydrase Revealed by Capillary Electrophoresis
8. Iron homeostasis, Iron overload, and Chelation therapy
9. War over Iron - Super Strong Chelator for Iron Secreted from Bacteria
10. Rational Design of Contrast Agents for MRI
11. Can Gd-Thiacalixarene Be an MRI Contrast Agent?
12. Supramolecular Aspects of Thiacalixarene Complexes
13. Lanthanide-thiacalixarene complex toward medical diagnostics and therapy
14. Cancer Therapy with Metal Complexes

授業計画(E)/Contents and progress schedule of class

1. Introduction to Advanced Coordination Chemistry
2. Basic Concepts in Coordination Chemistry
3. Where is the radical? Assignment of the Electronic Structure of Pt(II)-o-Phenylenediamine Complex
4. Designing Molecules to Recognize Metal Ions
5. Kinetic-Differentiation mode HPLC of Metal Complexes
6. Distinguishing the Properties of Metal Complexes at the 2nd Coordination Sphere with KD mode Capillary Electrophoresis
7. Coordination Chemistry of Carbonic Anhydrase Revealed by Capillary Electrophoresis
8. Iron homeostasis, Iron overload, and Chelation therapy
9. War over Iron - Super Strong Chelator for Iron Secreted from Bacteria
10. Rational Design of Contrast Agents for MRI
11. Can Gd-Thiacalixarene Be an MRI Contrast Agent?
12. Supramolecular Aspects of Thiacalixarene Complexes
13. Lanthanide-thiacalixarene complex toward medical diagnostics and therapy
14. Cancer Therapy with Metal Complexes

授業時間外学修/Self study(J)

Students are strongly expected to voluntarily develop a plan and goals and to undertake preparatory learning.

授業時間外学修(E)/Self study

Students are strongly expected to voluntarily develop a plan and goals and to undertake preparatory learning.

成績評価方法及び基準/Record and evaluation method(J)

Quizzes at the end of each class, and an end-term examination.

成績評価方法及び基準(E)/Record and evaluation method

Quizzes at the end of each class, and an end-term examination.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

Handouts will be provided at the class.

実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness

Not applicable.

その他/In Addition

The lecture will be mainly provided by on-demand video and partially by on-site. Please check out class information by Google Classroom.

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