
エコ・デザイン素材学 / Materials for Eco-designing

後期 月曜日 4講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : 齋藤 優子. 履修年度: 2024.



授業題目/Class Subject

エコ・デザイン素材学/Materials for Eco-designing

授業の目的・概要及び達成方法等/Object in Class subject and Object and summary of class and Goal of study(J)


授業の目的・概要及び達成方法等(E)/Object in Class subject and Object and summary of class and Goal of study

In recent years, environmental problems due to anthropological activities, especially regarding carbon emissions from the manufacturing sector, have become more severe. Therefore, appropriate environmental considerations are required in the manufacturing process of products. In the past, energy and resource conservation were the main objectives. However, there has been an increasing demand for resource recycling, and the development of materials has become a trade-off between “effectiveness” and “use of repellent materials”.
In this lecture, we will discuss about the history of eco-design and current cases from technology and social system.

授業計画/Contents and progress schedule of class(J)

1. オリエンテーション:エコ・デザインとは

2. 地球環境とエコ・デザイン

3. 資源問題と素材

4. 従来の環境配慮設計と新しい視点

5. EUの社会制度とエコ・デザイン

6. 資源の国際循環とエコ・デザイン


8. 電気・電子機器、自動車等における事例

9,10. プラスチックの事例

11. 再生可能エネルギーとエコ・デザイン

12,13. リサイクル技術と制度設計

14. 社会制度とエコ・デザイン

15. まとめと議論

授業計画(E)/Contents and progress schedule of class

1. Orientation: What is Eco-Design?

2. Global Environment and Eco-Design

3. Resource Issues and Materials

4. Conventional Eco-Design and New Perspectives

5. Social System and Eco-Design in the European Union

6. International Circulation of Resources and Eco-Design

7. Use of Repellent Substances in Materials

8. Case Study (Electrical/Electronic Products and Automobile Industry)

9,10. Case Study (Plastics)

11. Renewable Energy and Eco-Design

12,13. Recycling Technology and Institutional Design

14. Social System and Eco-Design

15. Summary and Discussion

授業時間外学修/Self study(J)


授業時間外学修(E)/Self study


成績評価方法及び基準/Record and evaluation method(J)


成績評価方法及び基準(E)/Record and evaluation method

Evaluate the scores of the students with respect to attendance (50 %) and report submission (50 %).

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

なし / Nothing

 これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認