

後期集中 その他 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 1. 担当教員/Instructor: YUKO NISHIDE. 対象学年/Eligible Participants: 全/ALL. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: EEM-MAN780J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語・英語/ Japanese and English.


Special Seminar on Business Management Bb


西出 優子

授業の目的と概要/Object and summary of class

(1) 現代の企業およびその他組織における経営問題の理論的解明と実践的洞察を得ること、
(2) 地域政策の諸問題も含め、SDGsなど多様な視点を融合しながら現実の事象を分析・考察する能力を涵養すること、

This special seminar is offered for the following purposes.
(1) to obtain theoretical and practical insights into management issues in modern companies and other organizations; and
(2) to foster the ability to analyze and consider actual phenomena through various perspective including regional policy issues and SDGs.
To this end, research presentations will be held regularly, and students will present and discuss their research plans, progress and results.
・Participating faculty members: Fujimoto, Fukushima, Takaura, Ichikoji, Akiike, Fujiwara and Nishide(coordinator).

学習の到達目標/Goal of study


The goal is to understand the theoretical background and practical trends in modern management and regional policy, and to come up with a stage where you can design your own research plan and present a set of research progress and results.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class


Holding research presentation sessions.
・Research presentations by the students, general discussions, and comments on the research presentations, in principle. (2 presentations in principle. 3 presentations might be held in one session depending on the number of students who wish to present)
・In addition, other related sessions and seminars might be held by participating faculty members and guest speakers.

The students must attend the first class guidance on April 18 (spring semester) or October 17 (fall semester), both at the 4th period (14:40-16:10).

本演習に関するお知らせは、前期・後期とも、下記のGoogle Classroomに掲載するので、4月15日(前期)または10月14日(後期)までに登録しておくこと。
The information on this class is shared via Google Classroom as follows:
The students who are to register this class must also register for Google Classroom by April 15 (spring semester) or October 14 (fall semester).

クラスコードClass code: hmjxonx

成績評価方法/Evaluation method


For presenters, evaluation will be based on the content of the research presentation (50%) and the degree of participation in the discussion and the content of the comment paper at each session (50%). For non-presenters, evaluation will be based on the degree of participation in the discussion and the content of the comment paper at each session (100%).
For comments to research presentations, access and fill out the comment form instructed at the first session and/or at the Google Classroom.
Handouts and reading materials will be instructed and distributed if necessary.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

    授業時間外学習/Preparation and Review

    Review any handouts in advance if possible. After class discussions, it is also important to compile your own comments and gain critical reading skills.

    その他/In addition


    Although SeminarAa and Seminar Ab (Seminar Ba and Seminar Bb), WorkshopA and WorkshopB are separated, attending both seminars is recommended.
    This is a one-credit class and will be held every other Thursday in principle, 7-8 sessions in total.
    The students must attend the first session of each semester, on April 18 (spring semester) and Oct 17 (fall semester).
    Other than students' presentations, we might hold a couple of lectures by guest speakers.

    Contact: Nishide (yuko.nishide.c8@tohoku.ac.jp)

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