

前期 木曜日 2講時 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): 末松 千秋 所属:高度教養教育・学生支援機構. 対象学部/Object: 全研究科. 開講期/Term: 前期. 科目群/Categories: 大学院共通科目-大学院共通科目. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: CCG-CED701E. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 英語.

授業題目/Class Subject

Seminar on Corporate Decision-Making Comparisons 意思決定比較演習

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

This course introduces students to the typical decision-making in Japan, especially in Japanese companies. The classes will cover not only the ways of Japanese decision-making but also those of the Western world. In contrast with these mechanisms, things peculiar to Japan will be highlighted. Japanese companies are famous for the consensus decision-making. What are advantages and disadvantages of the consensus decision-making? What have Japanese companies changed to the management board in order to alleviate the disadvantages? Is there any good way to reach a consensus easier? While answering these questions, the course will emphasize the things Japanese are most concerned about to illustrate the Japanese culture. Two main objectives of the course are to provide the knowledge of Japanese style discussions and to provide the basic skills of the facilitator who helps make the process of reaching a consensus decision easier.


学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

The goal of the course is to make students understand the basic principles of consensus decision-making. Through the understandings the students are also expected to work as an effective facilitator who feels comfortable in leading discussions carried out by Japanese people and in conducting meetings in other nations, especially those in their home country. The graduate students are to take leading roles in the group discussions with undergraduate students and international students, which will help them strengthen the administrative ability and the leadership.


Doctoral students are asked to draw from their own experience in their field of specialization.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

This is a face-to-face course and students need to attend the classes in the classroom. Students need to get access to "Classroom" and get the instructions and materials.

The course will consist of lectures, discussions, and presentations. The instructor will provide lectures on key issues about the process of decision-making. Then, he will lead discussions about important items. In order for students to join the discussions actively the reading papers will be given out together with some assignments. Students will need to read the papers and related materials, turn in the assignments prior to due dates, and join the discussions actively in the class. A couple of classes toward the end will be devoted to the student presentations. Students in small groups will work on case studies and make a presentation on one of them. The time of each presentation will be 20 min to 30 min long, adjusted depending on the number of groups.

The class schedule is as follows:

1) Introduction: Present an overview of the course.
Work on a simple case of decision-making.

2) Theme: Process of decision-making 1
Discuss the basic decision-making process. Introduce the decision-making process taught in management schools in the United States as well. What kind of decisions can you make as a manager? What kind of decisions should you make as the top of the corporation?

3) Theme: Process of decision-making 2
Continue the basic decision-making process. Introduce some key issues in economics. How can the decision be evaluated? How can you make the decision about something you are not familiar with? What is the agency theory?

4) Theme: Corporate decision-making process in Japan 1
Introduce the typical corporate decision-making process in Japan. Nemawashi, ringi, or honne to tatemae are some techniques periodically used. Will look at ways how Japanese apply those techniques to the discussion.

5) Theme: Corporate decision-making process in Japan 2
Before the burst of the bubble economy the Japanese Style Management was regarded as a great model. Some studies were done about their decision-making process as well. What are advantages and disadvantages of the Japanese corporate decision-making? How did they help Japanese businesses achieve the success?

6) Theme: Japanese bosses 1
During the 90’s when Japanese subsidiaries were expanding some Western managers working for Japanese companies experienced conflicts with their Japanese bosses. Introduce those conflicts and highlight disadvantages of the corporate decision-making in Japan.

7) Theme: Japanese bosses 2, Changes to the management Japanese companies have made
Continue the discussion of Japanese bosses. Is there any way to organize better decision-making systems?
During the lost two decades Japanese companies recognized the necessity of changes to the management. Explain those changes and things they have tried to accomplish.

8) Theme: Consensus decision-making 1 
There are many examples of the consensus decision-making outside of Japan. Will introduce some examples and discuss things the participants of the discussion try to accomplish.

9) Theme: Consensus decision-making 2
Analyze the consensus decision-making in details. Its advantages and disadvantages are quite similar to those observed in the Japanese corporate decision-making. Are there any good ways to minimize the disadvantages and maximize the advantages?

10) Theme: Facilitator 1
An answer to the previous class is the existence of the facilitator. The role of the facilitator is the key to lead the successful consensus making. What kind of things should the facilitator do?

11) Theme: Case Study
The class will discuss some cases about Japanese corporate decision-making and exemplify the rationales for their behaviors. Will look at a case in which the consensus making brought a success as well as a case the efforts for the consensus building caused a failure.

12) Theme: Facilitator 2
Continue to focus on the facilitator. Students will be asked to perform the role of facilitator during the class.

13) Student Presentations
Student groups will make presentations followed by questions and answers.

14) Student Presentations
Student groups will make presentations followed by questions and answers.

15) Summary
Return the graded student presentations. Summarize the course.



1 導入、コースの紹介 簡単な意思決定に取り組む。
2 意思決定プロセス1 米国ビジネススクールで紹介される意思決定プロセスを紹介。中間管理職ではどこまで意思決定できるか。会社経営陣はどんな意思決定をすべきか。
3 意思決定プロセス2 基本意思決定プロセスの継続。経済学での重要事項紹介。意思決定はどのように評価されるべきか。熟知していない事項の意思決定はどう行うべきか。代理者理論とは。
4 日本企業の意思決定プロセス1 日本企業の典型的意思決定プロセスを紹介。根回し、稟議、本音と建て前がどう使われるか。
5 日本企業の意思決定プロセス2 バブル経済崩壊前、日本的経営が賞賛された。そこでの意思決定プロセスについて学習。日本的意思決定の有利さ、不利は、どのように日本企業は成功したか。
6 日本人のボス 90年代日本企業の海外進出で日本人上司と現地管理職の葛藤が生じた。何故生じたか。
7 日本的経営への変革 「失われた20年」は日本企業への経営変革を迫った。何が変わり、何を得ようとしたか。
8 コンセンサス合意型意思決定1 日本以外でもコンセンサスによる意思決定は行われる。それらの紹介と原則を学習。
9 コンセンサス合意型意思決定2 この意思決定を分析。有利さ、不利は日本企業意思決定に見られる。不利を最小にし、有利さを最大にする方法は。
10 ファシリテーター1 上記解答の一つはファシリテーターの存在にある。その役割を学ぶ。
11 ケーススタディ 日本企業の意思決定ケースを学習。コンセンサス意思決定の成功例と失敗例は。
12 ファシリテーター2 ファシリテーターの役割学習継続。
13 プレゼンテーション 履修者によるプレゼンテーション
14 プレゼンテーション 履修者によるプレゼンテーション
15 まとめ プレゼンテーションへのコメント

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

Grades of the course will be assigned as follows:
AA……….Excellent (90-100%)
A………. Good (80-89%)
B………. Fair (70-79%)
C………. Passing (60-69%)
D………. Failure (0-59%)

The presentation will account for 30% of the final grade, while the group assignment, the individual assignments and the overall class participation will contribute 20%, 30% and 20%, respectively. Discussions during the case studies and after the student presentations are more important and will make up one-half of the overall class participation. Low class attendance, missing three or more classes, will be regarded as no class participation. Overdue assignment may not be accepted.


教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

  • Decision-Making and Japan: A Study of Corporate Japanese Decision-Making and Its Relevance to Western Companies, Ruth Taplin, Routledge (1995) ISBN/ISSN: 1873410344
  • Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision-Making, Sam Kaner, Jossey-Bass Inc. (2007) ISBN/ISSN: 9780787982669

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

Copies of the textbooks and other reading materials will be posted. Students need to read them before each class and prepare for the discussions conducted in the classes.
There will be four to five written assignments.
The final presentation and the group assignment are the group ones. Students need to prepare for the presentation and assignment outside of the class hours.


実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness

授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]

Yes. Because the reading assignments are electronic files, students need to refer to them on their computers.


その他/In Addition

Students enrolling in this course must have good English proficiency.

* This class is offered at the same time as ["Special Topics on Global Issues" in general education subjects/ " Special Seminar on Career and Skill Development " in common graduate school subjects].
この科目は [全学教育科目『国際教養特定課題』/大学院共通科目『キャリア・スキル開発特別演習』]との同時開講です。

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