

後期 月曜日 5講時 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): 尾崎 彰宏 所属:教養教育院. 対象学部/Object: 全研究科. 開講期/Term: 後期. 科目群/Categories: 大学院共通科目-大学院共通科目. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: CCG-OAR721J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

授業題目/Class Subject

SDGsと人文科学の実践的方法と課題 Practical Methods and Issues in SDGs and Humanities Sciences

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

近年,SDGsがさまざまな所で話題となっている。ここでは,専門分野的な見地から,SDGsに深く関わる研究を紹介し,それに基づき参加者が調査・発表を行い,学問のめざすべき目標,使命を考察することにより理解を深めます。In recent years, the implementation of the SDGs has become a pressing issue of our time. In this class, we will introduce research deeply related to the SDGs from the perspective of a specialized field, and based on this research and presentations, participants will deepen their understanding by considering the goals and missions that academics should aim for.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

Many students may think that learning is to clarify the truth based on objective materials and data. First of all, keep in mind that this common sense is rather limited. The way of seeking the truth is an empirical academic theory widely modeled on natural science. If you think about it, it is an absolute truth in the natural sciences that the number 2 is greater than the number 1. Alternatively, a definition such as "A circle is the shape of a line formed by moving line segments of the same length from one point" is true. But in the humanities, truth in that sense does not exist. What is accepted as truth depends on the standpoint of the person who considers it. It is defined by the times and society in which the person lives. The aspect of truth changes depending on what the person is seeking, what they are criticizing, and what they are trying to open up to new horizons.
In this class, we will use the SDGs as a theme to think about what the humanities can be useful for. We will discuss how to tackle the SDGs, which are global-scale issues facing modern society, as a way to acquire principles that will serve as guidelines for our actions, and we will learn how to think and how to do so.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class


The progress schedule of the class is as follows (it is just a schedule, and it may be partially changed after confirming the students).
In this class, students are expected to actively speak out and report. It is preferable to use PowerPoint for reporting. Details will be provided in the introduction (however, the content of the class will be flexible, taking into consideration the range of interest of the students).

(1) Introduction
(2) SDGs and the humanities approach 
(3) Sample research on the practice of SDGs through humanities methods
(4) Necessity of new morality for SDGs practice
(5) SDGs as a new field of humanities        
(6)-(14) If the students choose from the 17 goals of the SDGs and become a practical leader, they will be asked to present what specific problems they will tackle, and the participants will discuss. do.
(15) Summary for new initiatives

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

出席(50%)と課題発表とそのレポート(50%)。出席点は、授業中に積極的にかかわったことを示す発言なども考慮する。Attendance (50%) and assignment presentation and its report (50%). The attendance score also considers remarks that indicate that the student was actively involved in the class.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

  • SDGs(持続的な開発目標), 蟹江憲史, 中公新書 (2020)
  • SDGs――危機の時代の羅針盤, 南博・稲場雅紀, 岩波新書 (2020)

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

授業中に指示された文献を参照すること。Refer to the literature indicated during class.

授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]

課題発表を確認したり提示したりするのに、パソコンをもっていることが望ましい。It is desirable to have a computer to check and present assignment presentations.

その他/In Addition

この科目は [全学教育科目『SDGsと人文科学の実践的方法』/大学院共通科目『教養教育院特別演習』]の同時開講です。
This class is offered at the same time as ["Practical Methods and Issues in SDGs and Humanities Sciences" in general education subjects/ " ILAS Special Seminar" in common graduate school subjects].

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