

前期 水曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA101 / 前期 金曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA101. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): ビクトール マルティ 所属:. 対象学部/Object: 理医②. 開講期/Term: 1セメスター. 科目群/Categories: 全学教育科目言語科目-スペイン語. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: ZLF-SPA101B. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 2カ国語以上.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


授業題目/Class Subject


Basic Spanish I

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class




Spanish is the fourth most widely spoken language in the world, with approximately 500 million native speakers, and it is an official language in 21 countries. In the United States, it has become an important language second only to English, with one in eight Americans speaking it. Spanish is considered one of the key languages, alongside English and Chinese.

Spanish pronunciation is nearly phonetic, which makes it less challenging for learners compared to English. Spanish is often considered relatively easy for Japanese learners to pick up.

Throughout this course, you will acquire fundamental communication skills necessary for Spanish. Through practical activities, you will develop the ability to respond to real-life communication situations.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

▪ よく使われる日常的表現と基本的な言い回しを理解し、用いることもできる
▪ 自分や他人を紹介、どこに住んでいるか、職業は何か、誰と知り合いか、持ち物などの個人的情報について、質問をしたり、答えたりできる
▪ もし、相手がゆっくり、はっきりと話して、助け船を出してくれるなら簡単なやり取りをすることができる

The goal by the end of "Basic Spanish II" is to achieve a level similar to A1 on the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages." This essentially entails:
▪ Understanding and using familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases aimed at satisfying concrete needs
▪ Introducing yourself and others, asking and answering questions about personal details such as where you live, what you do, whom you know and things you have
▪ Interacting in a simple way, provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

01. オリエンテーション・導入 (アルファベットと発音)・会話入門Ⅰ (挨拶)
02. 導入:教科書 (綴り)・会話入門Ⅱ (自己紹介)・読み方練習
03. 導入:教科書 (音節・強勢アクセント・20までの数字)・会話入門Ⅲ (知らない単語について尋ねる)・読み方練習
04. 第1課:教科書 (名詞の性と数)・会話入門 Ⅳ (綴りを尋ねる)・読み方練習
05. 第1課:教科書 (定冠詞・スペイン語の一致)・書き取り練習
06. 第2課:教科書 (主語と人称・人称代名詞と主格人称代名詞・動詞 ser [定義]・疑問文、否定文)・書き取り練習
07. 第2課:教科書 (形容詞の性と数・動詞 ser [質])・書き取り練習
08. 第2課:会話練習 (職業を表わす・人や物の名前を質問する・国籍を表わす・人を描写する)
09. 第2課:会話小テスト
10. 第3課:教科書 (現在形の規則活用・現在形の使用法)・書き取り小テスト
11. 第3課:教科書 (日常の活動を表わす動詞Ⅰ・頻度表現・数量詞Ⅰ)・書き取り小テスト
12. 第3課:会話練習 (日常の活動を表わす・職場・曜日)
13. 第3課:会話小テスト
14. 会話テストⅠ-1の練習
15. 会話テストⅠ-1
16. 第4課:教科書 (動詞 estar [所在]と hay・数量詞Ⅱ)
17. 第4課:教科書 (場所を表す副詞と指示詞・場所を特定する為の表現)
18. 第4課:会話練習 (位置関係と存在を表わす・町を描写する・施設・場所・家の中にある物)・読解練習
19. 第4課:会話小テスト・読解練習
20. 第5課:教科書 (動詞 tener・動詞 estar [状態])
21. 第5課:教科書 (所有詞・感嘆文・100までの数字)
22. 第5課:会話練習 (所有関係を表わす・状態を表わす・日付や年齢を表わす・家族)・読解練習
23. 第5課:会話小テスト・読解小テスト
24. 第6課:教科書 (現在形不規則活用Ⅰ・前置詞格人称代名詞Ⅰ)
25. 第6課:教科書 (現在形不規則活用の語幹母音変化 e→ie・時刻を表す表現)
26. 第6課:会話練習 (時間を表わす・趣味や娯楽)・読解練習
27. 第6課:会話小テスト・読解小テスト
28. 会話テストⅠ-2の練習・読解練習
29. 会話テストⅠ-2・読解小テスト
30. まとめと復習
31. プレゼンテーションⅠの練習・読解小テスト
32. プレゼンテーションⅠ

01. Orientation / Preliminary Unit (Alphabet and Pronunciation) / Introduction to Conversation I (Greetings)
02. Preliminary Unit: Textbook (Spelling) / Introduction to Conversation II (Self-Introductions) / Reading Practice
03. Preliminary Unit: Textbook (Syllables. Word Stress. Numbers up to 20) / Introduction to Conversation III (Asking about Unknown Words) / Reading Practice
04. Unit 1: Textbook (Gender and Number of Nouns) / Introduction to Conversation IV (Asking about Spelling) / Reading Practice
05. Unit 1: Textbook (Articles. Grammatical Concordance in Spanish) / Dictation Practice
06. Unit 2: Textbook (Subject and Grammatical Persons, Personal Pronouns and Subject Pronouns. Verb 'ser' [to Define]. Interrogative and Negative Sentences) / Dictation Practice
07. Unit 2: Textbook (Gender and Number of Adjectives. Verb 'ser' [to Qualify]) / Dictation Practice
08. Unit 2: Conversation Practice (Discussing Occupations. Asking for Names / Discussing Nationality. Describing People)
09. Unit 2: Conversation Quiz
10. Unit 3: Textbook (Regular Conjugation of the Present Tense and its use) / Dictation Quiz
11. Unit 3: Textbook (Verbs of Everyday Actions I. Expressing Frequency. Quantifiers I) / Dictation Quiz
12. Unit 3: Conversation Practice (Discussing Everyday Actions. Workplaces. Days of the Week)
13. Unit 3: Conversation Quiz
14. Practice of Conversation Test I-1
15. Conversation Test I-1
16. Unit 4: Textbook (Verb 'estar' [to Locate] and 'hay'. Quantifiers II)
17. Unit 4: Textbook (Adverbs of Place and Demonstratives. Expressing Spatial Relationships)
18. Unit 4: Conversation Practice (Discussing Location and Existence. Describing a City. Facilities and Places. Objects in a House) / Reading Comprehension Practice
19. Unit 4: Conversation Quiz / Reading Comprehension Practice
20. Unit 5: Textbook (Verb 'tener'. Verb 'estar' [States])
21. Unit 5: Textbook (Possessives. Numbers 20 to 100)
22. Unit 5: Conversation Practice (Expressing Possession. Expressing States. Talking About Dates and Age. Family) / Reading Comprehension Practice
23. Unit 5: Conversation Quiz / Reading Comprehension Quiz
24. Unit 6: Textbook (Irregular Conjugation in the Present Tense I. Prepositional Pronouns I)
25. Unit 6: Textbook (Irregular Conjugation in the Present Tense due to Vowel Alternations e→ie. Telling Time)
26. Unit 6: Conversation Practice (Talking About Schedules. Hobbies and Pastimes) / Reading Comprehension Practice
27. Unit 6: Conversation Quiz / Reading Comprehension Quiz
28. Practice of Conversation Test I-2 / Reading Comprehension Practice
29. Conversation Test I-2 / Reading Comprehension Quiz
30. Summary and Review
31. Practice of Presentation I / Reading Comprehension Quiz
32. Presentation I

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

 25% 文法課題
 30% 会話小テスト
 10% 読解小テスト
 10% 書き取り小テスト

 15% 会話テスト

 10% プレゼンテーション

 –1点 1回の遅刻(10分以内)
 –2点 1回の遅刻(10分超)
 –3点 1回の欠席

Throughout the course:
 25% Grammar assignments
 30% Conversation quizzes
 10% Reading comprehension quizzes
 10% Dictation quizzes

Twice per course:
 15% Conversation tests

Once per course:
 10% Presentation test

The final evaluation will be the sum of the above, but points will be deducted in the following cases:
 –1 point for tardiness (up to 10 minutes)
 –2 points for tardiness (more than 10 minutes)
 –3 points for each absence
However, no points will be deducted for tardiness or absence if a "certificate of delay in public transportation" or a "medical appointment receipt" is presented. "Authorized absences" due to club activities will not be accepted.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

  • ¡NOS GUSTA! 1: Gramática para hablar, ピラル・ラゴ、コンチャ・モレノ, 朝日出版社 (2016) ISBN/ISSN: 9784255550794 資料種別:教科書



    ▪ 各課の文法説明
    ▪ ボキャブラリーリスト
    ▪ 会話練習で使用する模範会話文
    ▪ 読解用長文、など

This website includes the following contents:
 1. Overview of the course and notes for participants
 2. Information about upcoming classes
 3. Materials for preparation and review, including:
   ▪ Grammatical explanations for each unit
   ▪ Vocabulary resources
 4. Materials used during class:
   ▪ Reference dialogues for conversation practice
   ▪ Graded reader, and so on.

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

▪ 各課が始まる前に:文法説明を読んで新しい文法の内容を理解します。その後、理解度を測る為に用意した「文法課題」に解答します
▪ 会話の授業の前に:新しい語彙を覚え、模範会話文について、その意味を理解した上で、自分のことに置き換えた会話ができるように模範会話文を応用します


Instructions will be provided on the course website. Here's a simple breakdown:
▪ Before starting a unit: Focus on the new grammar points. Then, assess your comprehension by completing the suggested "Grammar assignment"
▪ Before every conversation class: Familiarize yourself with the new vocabulary, grasp the meaning of the reference dialogue, and adapt it to your own situations

Revisit the grammar points covered in the previous lesson by completing a new suggested "Grammar assignment" provided by the instructor. Beyond that, each student is responsible for tailoring their review to meet their individual needs.

授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]


Yes, bringing a personal computer is required for each session (including in person classes).

その他/In Addition






Once enrollment is confirmed, please promptly purchase the textbook; it is available at the University Co-op.
A dictionary is not necessary for class (online resources will be used).

The course emphasizes group practice and collaboration, with seating rearranged in groups, which will change periodically.

While this course is primarily conducted in Spanish, explanations may also be given in Japanese or English as needed. Course materials, the textbook and the course website will be in Japanese.

Questions are welcome at any time. For email inquiries, questions can be asked in Spanish, Japanese, or English.

If you are unable to attend class, be sure to email the instructor in advance with the reason for your absence.

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