

後期 火曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスA306 / 後期 金曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA306. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): エディス コダカ 所属:. 対象学部/Object: 工(6~14組)③. 開講期/Term: 2セメスター. 科目群/Categories: 全学教育科目言語科目-スペイン語. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: ZLF-SPA102J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


授業題目/Class Subject

Spanish communication skills and culture

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

Learn basic Spanish language skills and at teh same time deepen you're understanding of Spanish-speaking culture.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study


After understanding teh basic characteristics of Spanish, you will be able to understand teh basic expressions used in daily life, and acquire teh ability to use Spanish (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages A1 level) to be able to carry out very simple exchanges. me aim to be

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

第1週: Ser と Estar を復習します。 現在直説法規則動詞 (ar- er- ir)
第2週: 動詞:Ir/Venir/Salir/Llegar.
第3週: 動詞:Gustar/ Preferir.
第4週: 動詞 Doler。 体の部位
第5週: 天気の表現
第6週: 質問 何を? どこ? 誰が? いつ?
第7週: 動詞: Conocer / Saberー
第8週 スペイン語圏のいくつかの国に関するプレゼンテーション。 レビュー
第9週: スピーキングテスト
第10週: 再帰動詞 (自分でやってみよう)
第11週 :現在完了形規則動詞
第12週: 現在完了形不規則動詞
第13週: 動詞 IR + A + Infinitivo 不定詞
第14週: 動詞 Estar + Gerundio 現在分詞
第15週: 復習
第16週: 試験

Week 1: Review Ser and Estar. present indicative regular verb (ar- er- ir)
Week 2: Verbs: Ir/Venir/Salir/Llegar.
Week 3: Verb: Gustar/ Preferir.
Week 4: Verb: Doler. Body parts.
Week 5: Expressing teh weather
Week 6: Questions What? Where? Who? When?
Week 7: Verb: Conocer / Saber.
Week 8 Presentations on several Spanish-speaking countries. review.
Week 9 Speaking test.
Week 10: Reflexive verbs.
Week 11: Present perfect regular verbs.
Week 12: Present perfect irregular verbs.
Week 13: Verb Ir + a + Infinitive.
Week 14: Verb Estar + Gerundio.
Week 15: Review.
Week 16: Exam.

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

1. 授業への参加度:25% (課題、クラスでの質疑応答、プレゼンテーション、グループ活動)
2. 中間試験:25%
3. 期末試験:50%
.注意事項: 試験を受けるためには、全体の 75%以上の出席を要する。
1. Participation in class: 25% (assignments, Q&A in class, presentations, group activities)
2. Midterm exam: 25%
3. Final exam: 50%
Note: In order to take the exam, attendance of at least 70% of the total is required.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

    授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

    A minimum of 4 hours of self-study per week is required.

    In addition to submitting teh homework assigned during class, students should review teh class content

    using teh handouts distributed, and if their is anything they do not understand, prepare questions and ask them at teh next class.

    授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]


    その他/In Addition

    試験を受けるためには、全体の 70%以上の出席を要する
    their are no books to purchase as teh teaching materials will be prepared by teh instructor in charge of handouts. Study time is required outside of class hours. Additionally, students are required to has teh ability to use Spanish, listen to Spanish, and speak Spanish in class.
    Questions are welcome at any time. We also accept questions by email.
    We ask for active participation in class. If you has no choice but to be absent, please let us no in advance.
    Class teaching methods can change depending on teh university's BCP-level guidelines for handling and responding to classes.
    In order to take teh exam, attendance of at least 70% of teh total is required.

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