

前期 火曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスA306 / 前期 金曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスA306. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): 西井 園枝 所属:. 対象学部/Object: 法経③. 開講期/Term: 1セメスター. 科目群/Categories: 全学教育科目言語科目-スペイン語. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: ZLF-SPA101J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


授業題目/Class Subject

Basic Spanish -The first step

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class


The object of this class is to develop the basic ability of Spanish and learn the correct pronunciation of Spanish.
We will learn basic Spanish grammar and how to converse with people in simple Spanish in this class. Occasionally we touch on the difference between Spanish and English or some expressions peculiar to Spanish.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study


The goal of the study of this class is to get A1 level ability of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) after having finished I-2.
To be specific:
– Can understand and use fundamental expressions to satisfy concrete needs.
– Can introduce themselves and others, ask and answer questions about personal details such as where they live, people they know, and things they have.
– Can interact simply as long as the other person speaks slowly and clearly.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

対面授業で行います。ただ、感染症の流行や悪天候の場合などには、オンライン授業に変更になる可能性があることを留意してください。学習支援システムはGoogle Classroomを使用し、オンライン授業時はGoogle Meet上で行います。

第1週  ガイダンス イントロダクション スペイン語の発音の規則を覚える
第2週  アルファベットの暗記 アクセントの規則 数字
第3週  名詞の性と数 冠詞
第4週  ser動詞「~は…です(永続的&長期)」自己紹介&他己紹介 職業や立場を表すボキャブラリー
第5週  ser動詞 形容詞&所有格 疑問詞 数字  
第6週  動詞tener 「~を持っている(to have)」
第7週  動詞tenerを使った様々な表現 SER+形容詞&tener+名詞で人の特徴を表現
第8週  直接法現在形の規則活用 ボキャブラリーを増やす
第9週  直接法現在形 基本の前置詞 曜日、月などのボキャブラリー
第10週  指示詞  動詞estar「~は…です(一時的)」身体の状態、物の状態の表現 現在進行形 
第11週  場所を表す時の動詞estarと特殊な動詞hay  ser動詞とestar動詞の比較
第12週  使用頻度の高い不規則動詞の活用 
     ir a+不定詞「~するつもり」  tener que+不定詞「~しなければならない」
第13週  ir a+不定詞「~するつもり」  tener que+不定詞「~しなければならない」 
     時刻の読み方&日付  の表現   「いつ~するの?」「何時に~するの?」
第14週  直接法現在形語幹母音変化動詞 天候の表現
第15週  直接法現在形語幹母音変化動詞 「~できる」「~したい(が欲しい)」 
第16週  総まとめ


Basically, this class will be held in a face-to-face manner. However, please note that classes may be changed to online classes in the event of an infectious disease outbreak or bad weather. We use Google Classroom as our learning support system, and online classes are held on Google Meet.
The progress and content of classes are subject to change.

Week 1: Orientation & introduction. Rules of pronunciation.
Week 2: Spanish alphabet & numbers. Rules of accentuation.
Week 3: Gender & plural form of a noun. Article-musculine & feminine.
Week 4: Verb“SER”-Like “to be” in English. Vocabulary: profession/status/position.
Introduce yourself / someone.
Week 5: Verb “SER”. Adjective & possessive form. Interrogative word.
Week 6: Verb “TENER”-“to have” in English.
Week 7: Expression with “TENER” verb. “SER+adjective”/ “TENER+noun”- to depict features and characteristics of people.
Week 8: Present form of regular conjugation verbs (indicative).
Week 9: Present form of regular conjugation verbs (indicative). Basic prepositions.
Vocabulary: day of the week, months, etc.
Week10: Demonstrative. Verb “ESTAR”-Like “to be” in English to depict health, condition of people/things. Present progressive form-“ESTAR+present participle.”
Week11: Verb “ESTAR”&“HAY”-to say “whereabouts.” Comparison of the verbs “SER”&“ESTAR.”
Week12: Present form of irregular conjugation (but frequently appearing) verbs
    “IR A+inf.”=to be going to +inf. “TENER QUE+inf.”=to have to +inf.
Week13: “IR A+inf.”=to be going to +inf. “TENER QUE+inf.”=to have to +inf.
Tell time/date. “When do/does ~?” “At what time do/does~?”
Week14: Present form of irregular conjugation verbs. The weather.
Week15: Present form of irregular conjugation verbs. Direct objective & indirect objective. Make sentences using “conjugated verb (preposition / que) + inf.”.
Week16: Review & recitation.

***During a semester, 7-10 times “mini-test” will be held.
***a Spanish-Japanese/Japanese-Spanish dictionary or an electronic dictionary is a must-have item.

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method


1) Short tests (40%) --- During a semester, 7-10 times “mini-tests” will be held. It takes 20-30 min. each.
2) Class participation (40%) --- Students will be evaluated based on their attendance, homework assignments, whether they are sufficiently prepared for pair and group work, whether they are deepening their understanding of the learning content through independent study, and whether they are able to communicate in Spanish.
3) Assignment (20%)

*** For details on each item, detailed guidance will be provided during the first class. Be sure to attend.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

  • Español en imágenes イメージ・スペイン語, エウヘニオ・デル・プラド 他, 朝日出版社 (2019) ISBN/ISSN: ISBN9784255551029 資料種別:教科書

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review


To speak a foreign language properly, these elements are essential: accurate knowledge of grammar, a certain level of vocabulary, and interactive verbal lessons. Unfortunately, the number of classes is limited, and we cannot have enough time to cover them all in the classroom---naturally, to gain a deeper understanding of Spanish grammar and enhance your vocabulary, self-learning is indispensable.
Also, use the listening materials on the textbook's online site. Please check your pronunciation and intonation even if you are not instructed. Including the time to finish your homework and preparation, you have to take at least 3~4 hours/week to study outside the classroom.

授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]


The use of PCs and mobile devices during class is basically prohibited. The use of online dictionaries is also prohibited. Use a dictionary or electronic dictionary. If a PC is required for group work, etc., instructions will be given in advance.

その他/In Addition

教科書や辞書の購入は、受講が決定してからにしてください。Google Classroomには初回授業の前に参加しておいてください。

Do not buy a textbook and dictionary before finishing your class registration.
Please participate in Google Classroom before the first class.
In the 1st class of the semester, a detailed explanation of the evaluation method and submission method of homework will be given. Do not miss it.
If you are absent 11 times, you flunk this course.
This class will be conducted using a textbook and supplemental handouts.
English←→Spanish self-learning handouts are available.
(Note: These English handouts are photocopies from Spanish textbooks published in the USA.)

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