

通年集中 その他 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 田口 友彦. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: BIL-BIO602B. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 英語 / English ※基本的に英語で実施。ただし、受講生が日本人のみの場合には、日本語で実施する。.

授業題目/Class Subject

Advanced Integrative Life Sciences II (Cellular Network)

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

/ In this course, students will learn about the behavior of molecules or cells in intra- and inter-cellular networks (e.g., membrane traffic network, lipid metabolism, cytoskeleton, and intercellular communication in nervous system) to understand life phenomena at the cellular and molecular level.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

/ The aim of this course is to help students acquire an understanding of the basic mechanisms by which cell populations form intra/inter-cellular networks and control life phenomena.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

9月9日(月) 8:50~16:10 福田教授、田口教授
9月10日(火) 8:50~16:10 杉本教授、松井教授

/Please complete course registration and Google Classroom registration
Mon. Sep. 9, 8:50~16:10 Prof. Fukuda, Prof. Taguchi
Tue. Sep. 10, 8:50~16:10 Prof. Sugimoto, Prof. K.Matsui

講義場所:青葉山キャンパス・理学研究科合同A棟 303号室
Day 1: Mon. Sep. 9, Aobayama Campus, Science Complex A,room 303
 8:50- 10:00   講義1/ Lecture 1(担当:福田光則/ Mitsunori Fukuda)
 10:10- 11:20  講義2/ Lecture 2(担当:福田光則/ Mitsunori Fukuda)
 11:30- 12:00  小テスト/ Short test
 12:00- 13:00  昼休み/ Lunch break
 13:00- 14:10  講義3/ Lecture 3(担当:田口友彦/ Tomohiko Taguchi)
 14:20- 15:30  講義4/ Lecture 4(担当:田口友彦/ Tomohiko Taguchi)
 15:40- 16:10  小テスト/ Short test

Day 2: Tue. Sep. 10, Katahira Campus, Lecture Room, Project Building, Graduate School of Life Sciences
 8:50- 10:00   講義5/ Lecture 5(担当:杉本亜砂子/ Asako Sugimoto)
 10:10- 11:20  講義6/ Lecture 6(担当:杉本亜砂子/ Asako Sugimoto)
 11:30- 12:00  小テスト/ Short test
 12:00- 13:00  昼休み/ Lunch break
 13:00- 14:10  講義7/ Lecture 7(担当:松井広/ Ko Matsui)
 14:20- 15:30  講義8/ Lecture 8(担当:松井広/ Ko Matsui)
 15:40- 16:10  小テスト/ Short test


The contents (1-2 classes for each item) and schedule are as shown below:
·General mechanism of membrane traffic and its regulators
·Examples of membrane traffic network (e.g., melanosome transport, autophagy etc)
·Molecular mechanism of metabolism of membrane phospholipid
·Diseases caused by dysregulated metabolism of membrane phospholipid
·Structure and function of the cytoskeleton
·Spatial and temporal regulation of the cytoskeleton
·Physiological function of synaptic transmission between neurons
·Neuron-glia interactions

**Depending on the spread of covid-19 infection, may change to online or on-demand lectures.

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

/ Grading will be decided based on attendance and examinations.
Examination is held at the end of each lecture.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

Lecturers will use slides to conduct classes. Documents about slides will be distributed in each class.


/**Depending on the spread of covid-19 infection, may change to online or on-demand lectures.

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