

前期集中 その他 連講 未設定. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 此木 敬一, 榎本 賢, 山下 まり. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: AAL-AGC502J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

科目名(英語)/English Subject

Analytical Methods of Life Functional Substances


隔年開講 R6閉講

授業テーマ/Class Subject


Bioorganic cheistry on 1) determination of relative/absolute streochemistry of natural products and 2) investigation on mode of action of natural products

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class


Object: This course offers an opportunity to learn importance of isolation, structure determination and total synthesis in research studies of natural product chemistry and to help students develop knowledge on chemical biology where mode of action of natural products are investigated with designed and synthesized chemical probes.


Summary of Class: First, researhers who study different fields of natural product chemistry introduce methods for determining stereochemisty of natural products and purification of optically pure compounds. Students will then learn how to synthesize chemical probes and how to evaluate mode of action of natural products.



Stereochemistry, total synthesis, structure determination, biological activity, chemical biology

学習の到達目標/Goal of Study


Students will understand basics on stereochemistry of organic compounds and learn various techniques to determine streochemistry of organic compounds.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class-1-授業計画


Methods for determination of relative streochemistry of organic compounds (Masaru Enomoto)

成績評価方法/Record and Evaluation Method

レポートにより評価する。レポートは、「有機化合物の鏡像体純度・立体化学の決定法を含む過去一年以内の学術論文」または「ケミカルバイオロジーに関する過去一年以内の学術論文」(いずれも、Impact Factor 5以上のFull Paperに限定)を一報読み、レポート用紙5枚以上に要約・解説することを内容とする。

Evaluation if performed comprehensively based on submitted reports and end-of-term exam. Students are required to submit a report in which they read a recent full paper with impact factor more than 5.0 and summarize and print out using more than 5 pages of A4-size papers. The theme of the paper should be either "determination of optical purifity or relative/absolute streochemistry of organic compunds" or "chemical biology"

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

1. 参考書(Reference):「有機化学I/II/III」(森謙治,養賢堂)
2. 参考書(Reference):「ウォーレン有機化学上/下」(東京化学同人):Organic Chemistry (Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, and Stuart Warren)
3. 参考書(Reference):「ソレル有機化学上/下」(東京化学同人):Organic Chemistry (Thomas N. Sorrell)
4. 参考書(Reference):「有機化合物のスペクトルによる同定法 第8版」(Silverstein, Webster,Kienmle, Bryce著;岩澤伸治,豊田真司,村田滋訳,東京化学同人) 


山下まり: mari.yamashita.c1<at>tohoku.ac.jp
榎本 賢: masaru.enomoto.a2<at>tohoku.ac.jp
此木敬一: keiichi.konoki.b2<at>tohoku.ac.jp
工藤雄大: yuta.kudo.d5<at>tohoku.ac.jp
目黑康洋: yasuhiro.meguro.e6<at>tohoku.ac.jp


Questions will be taken directly after each class or anytime through e-mail.
Mari Yotsu-Yamashita: mari.yamashita.c1<at>tohoku.ac.jp
Masaru Enomoto: masaru.enomoto.a2<at>tohoku.ac.jp
Keiichi Konoki: keiichi.konoki.b2<at>tohoku.ac.jp
Yuta Kudo: yuta.kudo.d5<at>tohoku.ac.jp
Yasuhiro Meguro: yasuhiro.meguro.e6<at>tohoku.ac.jp
Please change <at> to @ when you e-mail.

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