

前期前半 金曜日 4講時後半. 単位数/Credit(s): 1. 担当教員/Instructor: 藤井 豊展, 池田 実. セメスター/Semester: 1セメ前半. 対象コース・専攻(必修・選択)/Departments(Obligatory/Elective): 全コース必修. 対象学年/Eligible Participants: 1年. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: AAL-APS202B. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 2カ国語以上.

科目名(英語)/English Subject

Introduction to Aquatic Production



主要授業科目/Essential Subjects

授業テーマ/Class Subject

Learning about biodiversity and production of aquatic fields

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

Onagawa Town was one of the most prosperous fishing ports in Japan. However, the 9.0- magnitude Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake generated a tsunami as high as 15 meters in Onagawa, which caused the town to subside by 1 meter, and completely destroyed its central area. The ria coast of Onagawa and coastal region along the Pacific Ocean had been severely stricken by the tsunami. Various coastal organisms have acclimated to tsunami perturbations and survived in the area. In order to promote reconstruction of tsunami-stricken areas such as Onagawa with respect to aquatic production (fish catching, aquaculture and fishery processing), it might be a promising measure to scientifically focus on the adaptability of coastal ecosystems in the area against tsunami perturbations, and to raise public awareness of the uniqueness of the costal ecosystems and biodiversity. This subject highlights tsunami damage and revival situation in Onagawa Town including coastal ecosystems, and brings to understand the importance of constructing new relationship between natural biological productivity and human activity.


marine biodiversity, fisheries, aquaculture, tsunami disaster, reconstruction

学習の到達目標/Goal of Study

At the end of the semester, students will
-experience about tsunami disaster
-understand the importance of relationship between natural aquatic production and human activity
-understand sustainable biological productivity and the application to reconstruction of human society.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class-1-授業計画

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1. 都市部から沿岸域に至る人間生活域における農学研究
Introduction to studies of marine science, biological productivity and restoration

成績評価方法/Record and Evaluation Method

Students are evaluated on attendance and the final report.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References



オフィスアワー:質問等は直接、あるいはメールにて常時受け付ける(池田 実:minoru.ikeda.a6@tohoku.ac.jp;藤井豊展:toyonobu.fujii.a8@tohoku.ac.jp)

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